I Hear a train A comming! The Losers Train!

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Anyone want to sing along with Johnny ?

Come on, folks !!! . Would love to hear your voices.

Could use some female alto harmony !!
Never been on this train before , but a new experience may be good for the soul . Please forgive me if I leave your excellent company at the donation drawing siding .
Sorry Wayne, but you already got booted off the train at the Puzzle Losers Siding. 😊
Yes! Its time, its that time when we start boarding for the losers train. Now if you have never heard of the Losers train its the last contest of the Bash. All you have to do to enter this contest is post in this thread " Im a Loser" and I want to ride this train. or anything close to that effect. The rules are simple, you cannot have won a prize in any of the other contests or donation drawing. Yup thats it. Didnt win a prize in a contest your a loser and can jump on this train, Didnt even enter a contest this year, BOY are you a REAL LOSER. We have your own club car just for you. We have a few prizes to give away for a lucky few that will get off the losers train but the rest of you can get comfy in your seat for a long ride. The Losers Train will leave the Station on Sunday Midnight March 1st. so get on board now! ALL ABOARD!

I'm a loser
Total loser here! Didnt enter anything! Probably shouldnt mention that i have only joined a little while ago but thats totally beside the point! Fantastic to see the great entries though! shall aspire to enter next years bash!
Well another year and another train has left the station. If you missed the train your going to have to sit it out for another year. I will be generating the list later today and checking to make sure noboby snuck on that looked like a loser but actually won something. I will Post the results later tonight.
Do you remember? Before the Losers train, we had a Losers Bus. Traded it in for a double decker. Then losers were riding on the roof. Then we got the Losers train, complete with a Bar Car, which quickly turned into standing room only. I believe we added another Bar Car. Not sure on that one.

But it's good to see the train is still rolling, and we have the usual abundance of LOSERS!!! (Present company included)
Please accept my apologies for my lack of communication, but I want to acknowledge my winnings from AppalachiaTurnings. I'm excited about the bocote, and the custom casted blanks. I have plans for that black sparkley blank for sure, as well as the bocote! Now, I'm not the most prolific turner, so it may be a while for me to make something, but I will. Thanks again to IAP and @erichardson for his contribution!
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