I finally made a bowl!

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Beautiful pieces Edgar! Nice shape on the bowl that accents the grain and splatting in the pecan. The lidded box is beautiful also I like the way you matched the line up the side. You did fantastic work on those.

Thanks William, and thanks for the great lidded box tool. It really did help with squaring up the inside of the box and getting a good fit between the box & lid.

After seeing the beautiful bowls that you made with some of my pecan wood, I just had to give it a try myself. I can't go much bigger than this with my little 10x18 lathe, so now I need to start saving my pennies for a real lathe. :)
Does it make the suction "pop" noise when you pull the lid off? I love that noise.

I was hoping no one would ask. :rolleyes:

The lid does have a nice fit, but it's just a little too loose for a pop. My granddaughter won't care, but I definitely have to work on that.

IVO the noted deficiency in the "fit", :)tongue: perfectly fine for one at your early stage of lidded box turning.) you can learn to compensate by making a "pop" sound with your mouth/throat, every time the lid is pulled off. You could even take it a step further, and teach your granddaughter to do it also :eek:. If she asks why, just ask her to not tell anyone, but that gandpa just needs her to do that.:redface:

To quote an excellent wood turner Jimmy Clewes "The pop is to impress other wood turners. Most people buying boxes are ladies and they don't care one iota about the pop they want the lid to come off nicely." (not a direct quote but what I remember). So Edgar did it right for his beautiful granddaughter.
I loved the picture of her with the spoon on her nose
I loved the picture of her with the spoon on her nose

It's one of my favorite pictures of her.

We were at a nice restaurant along with her parents when I showed her this trick. My wife about had a conniption fit at the time, but now she loves this photo too. :)

I'm just glad that no one shot a picture of me when I had the spoon on my nose. :biggrin:
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