I am so in trouble!

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sorry Curtis - that is a bummer.

I guess I generally have low-ish expectations for anniversaries... I've actually forgotten before (he did too, so it wasn't like it was a BIG DEAL). Birthdays are a bigger deal in my opinion...

but since your wife commented, then it's a BIG DEAL. :eek:

flowers, chocolates, gushy card AND massages. and apologies, etc etc etc.

(we hope to hear from you in a few days. )
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My wife forgot our second.....but she was in labor with our first child....OK, she had an excuse. I have nothing else.........
Just tell her it was all my fault. I got you so worked up and it completely overwhelmed you...on second thought that will backfire. She might suspect that IAP means more than her...ahhh crap....Sorry man...I got nothing for you.

I got wise. My sister's birthday is our anniversary. We then had our third child also on our anniversary. I am in the clear for the rest of my life. There should be no way in the world I could forget my sister's and daughter's birthday. I figure if I do forget, I probably shouldn't ever come home. My sister, daughter and wife (listed in order of least to greatest importance not to tick off) will be ticked off.

I hope all went well!


blame it on quitting the dip! your nerves are shot and you have been totally absorbed in fixing your health so that you can provide for her for the rest of her life....
Curtis, I am sorry to hear that happened. I tell you what making excuses will put you in a worse place in her eyes. Just tell her the truth and try to make it up with all the suggestions above. but if you make any excuses then you just open up a totally different can of worms that you wouldn't want it. I have been in the hot water so many times for different reasons and sometimes my wife didn't even talk to me for weeks, but she came along and we made up. I disagree with some the folks above in making excuse. I hope you don't have to sleep in the shop with Rosco I didn't think you wanted to be up all night long trying to keep those nasty black scorpions off you. good luck man I am sure you'd do the right thing.
BTW, happy anniversary anyways. None of the older guys above mentioned that. And, also, stay away from IAP more often we are adults we should be able to behave ourselves.
Jeesh, looks like you are getting it from all sides, here and at home!!!

Fortunately, I haven't done that yet, so I can't help. I'd start by practicing my grovelling though. :beat-up:
Well I just asked the top authority in my house on this subject, my wife. She says to kiss a delicate potion of your lower anatomy good by. She is a very forgiving woman. I 'm not giving you very good odds.
My wife and I have also been married for 11 yrs Curtis. Every single year we have both forgot about it. The way I see it, if she forgot and you forgot..no problem. If you both don't really celebrate it with gifts or anything every year, no problem. If you get her a gift every year though, and now you completely forgot..could be a problem. For us..we just say every day is like an anniversary. We don't need gifts and restaurants to show our love.
Interesting predicament.
My wife and I went out to dinner last night.
Our anniversary isn't until Dec 21.
But she subtly reminds me that it is either our 36th or 37th coming up.
I think she decided it will be our 36th.
Come to think of it, I think she does this every time we go out to eat by ourselves.
Solution to your problem.
Take your wife out to eat more often so she will remind you more often.
Just a thought.
I was waiting for someone to suggest you make a coffin, throw the "here lies Curtis Seebeck, former lover..." on it, put something nice on the inside like flowers, chocolate, jewelry, wrap it up and give that as the present. She will either laugh her tush off or take the goods and throw you in it...good luck!!
OMG. When I first got married, I went out and bought a very nice piece of jewelry, I wrapped it and put it in the garage with a bunch of my stuff. It was my "in case I forget something" rescue package. Four or five years into the marriage I needed to use it; it was truly a lifesaver--she never was the wiser, No card, but a gift. Now my stash has grown to several gifts that are more tailored to different occasions. Haven't had to use it in years, so I rotate the stock on major holidays to keep it "current". I know it sounds like a lot of hassle to do this and keep the of gifts current, but it really is a lifesaver. They are even wrapped and ready to go.
I hope you ordered in! I looked in the obituaries, you weren't in there so I'm checking all the emergency rooms in your area. Kandice said "I'm in trouble because of you". Thanks Buddy! Hope you're alive and well.

Shawn & Kandice
well it could be two things , we as iap will need a new head moderator , or you will have a lot more time to be here or in your shop . Hope it works out .

Congratulations on your 10th, hope you survived. I hope you just fessed up...easier than excuses and in my case at least, normal behavior.

We celebrated ours yesterday too, the 20th.
Well, let me tell you a story. About 5 years ago my boys got together and bought me a ticket to the july race at Daytona. just so happens it was on our wedding anniversary and I told her we would celebrate when I got back. I couldn't not tell the boys that I would not go with them to the race they had looked foward to it for many years. well now my wife don't celebrate any of our special days because I wasn't around to do the special day thing and was out with the "boys" two ways to look at it #1 I don't have to spend any money on the special day or #2 keep trying to do the right thing and ever year I get her a card and say I want to take you out and keep hearing why? it is just another day. What a delima huh?
Tell her your very very sorry, I think when you stop chewing the tobacco mess with your memory be trueful I know when i quit smoking my memory went to hell!! good luck!! Tobacco will do this to you she should be very happy you quick chewing.....
You are in my prayers Curtis, I think forgetting this will cost you lots of handbags and new shoes throughout the year to make up for it!
Guys, it's all good! Fortunately, I have a great wife and she was not mad. We have always been the type to remember but not usually do anything special or buy any gifts. We are also not the type to go out to eat much, especially now with money tight. (Remember, I am a home builder and housing sucks right now).

She got home from picking up our daughter and we all three watched the movie UP together, snuggled on the couch. We don't really get mad at each other and if we do, it does not last more than a few minutes.
Curtis, if building is slow down there you need to move up to my area. They slpwed up some for about 6 months and are righ back it again. Don't know where everyone is coming from! And, ahhh bring all you blanks and knowledge with you.....
OMG. When I first got married, I went out and bought a very nice piece of jewelry, I wrapped it and put it in the garage with a bunch of my stuff. It was my "in case I forget something" rescue package. Four or five years into the marriage I needed to use it; it was truly a lifesaver--she never was the wiser, No card, but a gift. Now my stash has grown to several gifts that are more tailored to different occasions. Haven't had to use it in years, so I rotate the stock on major holidays to keep it "current". I know it sounds like a lot of hassle to do this and keep the of gifts current, but it really is a lifesaver. They are even wrapped and ready to go.

A good Scout(52) is Always Prepared! :biggrin:

Curtis, belated Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you have a definite KEEPER!!! :)
OMG. When I first got married, I went out and bought a very nice piece of jewelry, I wrapped it and put it in the garage with a bunch of my stuff. It was my "in case I forget something" rescue package. Four or five years into the marriage I needed to use it; it was truly a lifesaver--she never was the wiser, No card, but a gift. Now my stash has grown to several gifts that are more tailored to different occasions. Haven't had to use it in years, so I rotate the stock on major holidays to keep it "current". I know it sounds like a lot of hassle to do this and keep the of gifts current, but it really is a lifesaver. They are even wrapped and ready to go.

That is simple genius.
Guys, it's all good! Fortunately, I have a great wife and she was not mad. We have always been the type to remember but not usually do anything special or buy any gifts. We are also not the type to go out to eat much, especially now with money tight. (Remember, I am a home builder and housing sucks right now).

She got home from picking up our daughter and we all three watched the movie UP together, snuggled on the couch. We don't really get mad at each other and if we do, it does not last more than a few minutes.

Curtis, I am glad everything worked out man. Happy anniversary and glad you all are doing fine. BTW, you kinda got away with this one because you said earlier that you got your new IPhone and you were having ball with it,well you need to schedule it on your phone as a reminder for next year or around X-mass you gonna have to do a double duty making up. Now that you put away the chew then it's the best time to put away the money you are saving for the making up occasion.
Best of luck to you.
There is no getting past this. Let her cool off and then do something great.

I am a little lucky....I was married for 15 years before my wife could remember what month we got married in....now an additional 33 years later she's got the month down pretty good but can't remember the day and just to make matters worse one of our daughters got married on the same day in a different month.
Boy is that mistake going to cost you a LOT. But if it's any consolation you can look forward to the day that she'll forget it as well. I had to remind my wife this last January that we'd forgotten our anniversary (44th). We both just smiled and went on about our business.
Curtis, first off, you and your bride deserve a well placed Congratulations.
As for atonment, a little bling always helps smooth the water. The bigger the better. Works for me.
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