Like a lot of other people, I took shop class in Jr. high school.
I took graphic design, metal shop & woodworking.
I liked woodworking shop the best of all. After high school, I worked in a boat building shop for 3-4 years. I did a lot of fiberglass work, along with cutting wood from patterns, etc.
I started making fiberglass skateboards on my time off. I paid for my supplies thru my employer & sold the boards to a local skate shop.
I had a decent side business & made a ton of money just doing that.
After 4 years, I developed an allergy to the resins used doing glass work
and had to give it up. My Dad had a few woodworking tools & I puttered around with them building speaker boxes for my friends, etc.
I built stools, shelves, you name it. Never made much money at it, but I had fun doing it. Along came 2 marriages, several dogs, but no kids.
My wife decided she wanted to go to a wood show one day, so we went.
She saw how pens, tops, and other small projects were made & asked if I could do that. I said sure, but I'd need a lathe.
A little while after the wood show, I found a decent lathe on Craigslist.
It's my Grizzly floor lathe. I turned a few Slim lines on it, and decided it was better for making bowls & spindles than pens.
So, for Christmas one year I used my gift money to buy a bench lathe.
I haven't used it a lot since buying it, because I became disabled.
I have been fighting for 4 years now to get my disability, but so far, no luck. It's hard for me to stand for any length of time.
So I have had to adapt my workbench so I can sit down & turn.
I have my good days & my bad days with the pain I suffer from.
I am trying to get back into turning so I can get my money out of my bench lathe at least.
I just bought a bunch of new pen kits from my last Christmas gift money, and I hope to get back to making pens very soon.
Thanks for reading.