Coming in late here, interesting conversation. Methinks though that the bickering between the two curmudgeons :wink: distracted from the main question, or more importantly, from accurately framing the question.
I would put it this way: The OP's customer wants the highest quality. How is the CUSTOMER most likely to assess that? There have been hints of it in the discussion here, but nobody has seized up the answer.
If you were asking your average high school kid who has just gotten his license about the "highest quality car", his answer isn't likely to be very helpful because he doesn't have much experience with cars HIMSELF. Ask your average "Company CEO's, Executives, Doctors, Attorneys, etc..." about high quality cars, and they will have a frame of reference.
So with regards to pens, what is the frame of reference that our "Company CEO's, Executives, Doctors, Attorneys, etc..." are likely to have?
THAT'S your quality standard. The world of premium (not necessarily ultra-premium/jewelry quality) "over the counter" pens. Properly made, will the kit pen provide as reliable and "enjoyable" a writing experience as a $100 - $500+ Parker/Cross/Mont Blanc/Aurora/Namiki/Waterman/Sheaffer/etc? If it doesn't meet THAT bar, then the plating is inconsequential. Sure, the ink cartridge can be replaced/upgraded, but you're still faced with the quality of the mechanism. Along with that is the ergonomics. A kit may be loaded with bling and top notch plating, but if it's actually miserable to write with the pen, then it falls into the category of "low quality" in my book, although others may disagree when the purpose of the pen is actually to be pen-like art/status marker. (This is one facet of the ancient art vs craft arguments). Then one can worry about the plating, the balance of the finished pen, the ergonomics (actually, ergos come into the enjoyment).
This points to something I've not seen a lot of here, although in fairness I've not looked for it.
How do the kits we're using realistically compare to the "industry standards"?