Mate, brilliant site. Beautiful woods. Can see a few on there will have, yes have, to order from you this week.Hi Ken,
Yes, I'm that George from George's Bits of Timber...!
My last attempt to "hunt" for wood was only a few weeks ago after a long break from gathering any woods, my old body is worn out and I find it difficult to handle the weights and the physical work involved with cutting wood, dragging, loading, unloading, stacking, sorting, etc, etc. but, there were 2 species of wood part of my 98 woods on my timbers list that I had run out and I needed some more and I knew where I could get both pretty much next to each other not far from me.
One was the local Scribbly Gum that A good friend from here (IAP) requested me some bigger blanks some time ago and I promised to get the wood to cut the blanks from and this is what it looked like View attachment 223365 but the second species I was after was the Raspberry Jam that in my timber list is #64 and also known as Acacia Acuminate, one wouldn't think that is from the "Acacia" family but it is, there is only a small patch of these tree species that I found near me, one of those native trees that is very patchy (at least in this part of OZ) I didn't take any recent pics of these trees but I should as soon as I have the opportunity. Beautiful wood but is only one problem with it, it bleeds a lot when is cut and soon after, it makes a nasty gummy mess but after is dry is a pleasure to work with...!View attachment 223368 View attachment 223369View attachment 223370View attachment 223371
I like to think that I'm able to give you guys a good idea of my local woods and at the same time be as informative as I possibly can, we learn every day, huh...?
As far as i have seen you do a fantastic job of informing and showcasing woods which would normally be chained and burnt. I have learnt a few things last couple of days from having a sticky at your posts/comments.
I love Jam Wood it doesn't grow anywhere near where I am unfortunately. Very lucky my chunks/logs come dry. I just got a few more kg's on Friday so a very good weekend here.
I like to get out once or twice a month, depending on what have used and stock, to gather up bits and pieces. These are some of what grow out here and I am lucky to come across: Myall (Weeping and Dalby), Doolan, Gidgee, Red Gum, Yellow Box, Brigalow, Beefwood, Hairy Oak, Southern Silky Oak, Tallow, Crows Ash, Black Wattle, Brush Box, Bunya Pine, Salmon Gum.... you get the idea.
If I want a few from further afield I contact smoke (bbq) wood sellers (Misty Gully, Aussiebbq etc) as they have dry, exciting varities, also a few mates cut firewood on weekends and they will occasionally drop off interesting bits.
The world of turning is a better place with blokes, and suppliers, like you involved with it.
Those photos and and that pen... just wow. That is the level I aim for when I chuck the old girl into gear.
Hmmm went over my two cents worth and into a tenner's worth.
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