Hello from North Georgia

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Aug 23, 2024
Cartersville GA USA
I just found this group and it's what I have been looking for. Many of my favorite pens pens are resin behemoths. I also make knives and wondered if I could use my micarta to make pens. I will explore and see what resources are here. I just bought my used lathe last Sat and will have questions on what tools are needed and what to avoid.
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Welcome! Lots of good information here, lots of opinions on tools and brands etc. Micarta is a material often used in pen making.
Welcome from Texas. Make sure you look at the resources section on this site since it has tons of information on almost any subject you can think of. Also the members here will answer all the questions you might have.
Greetings from Nebraska and welcome to the IAP community. I have seen many pens made from Micarta. We don't always agree on the best way to accomplish something nor on the best tools or other materials, but we do have a broad range of members with diverse equipment, tools, skill levels, and experiences to help you spawn new ideas and decide what works best for your specific equipment, tools, skill level, experience, and comfort level. IAP is a very good resource.

There is also a forum for "Other Things We Make" which would be a perfect spot to show us some of your knives and other things.

Welcome aboard,
Welcome Jim
I'm in North Georgia also. Yes you can turn Micarta. I'd recommend you use carbide chisels. If you use HSS you'd need them to be really sharp. I'm an avid knife collector (never made any). Just the price of an anvil, power hammer etc keeps me from trying. I wish I took up forging when I was younger.
Don't hesitate to seek advice here. This forum is great. Lots of knowledge to be gained and great people willing to help. Welcome
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