Originally posted by leehljp
<br />All you softies, especially from Texas! Can't you take a little heat. [

I survived the "heat wave" of '80 in Ft. Worth. Around the 10th or 12th of June, 1980, it it 110° around noon and then we had above 100° EVERYDAY until mid-August when a huge but mild hurricane came ashore (around Houston/Galveston) and brought the temps down for a few days. I remember going to a ball game at Arlington Stadium that started at 7:00 PM (in July) and the temp was well above 100° on the field. Working on a freight dock loading and unloading trucks (at night) in Ft. Worth back then was HOT! For several days, it did not get below 90 at night.
What was it that Yankee general said? _ "If I owned Texas and h ell, I'd sell Texas and live in h ell." Well he could have both in one spot in '80. Hey fellows, One of my pride and joys was born there, another lives there now. I wasn't born there, but I went to school there as quick as I could get there. [8D]