He asked for it, lets make him PAY!!!!!!

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Ok, guys don't me get a list and start naming names! :tongue: I know some of the "big dogs" of the site have yet to chime in with their participation. :biggrin: Fundraising does not get much easier than this and not many raffles in which you can bring in a great prize package cost only a postage stamp and a business card to enter. :) There are several threads going about this. Pick one and posta message to George, but post importantly get your card in the mail!!! :highfive:
Today our long suffering and overworked Post Lady stuggled with delivering me 2 more cards. Thanks to Ben and Keith. Looks like I'll probably never find "Mr. Burls" who sends me a card from one place and lives somewhere else. Maybe if he wins the drawing I should send his prize to the old address. But he's a Texican now so gotta treat him right.

Where are all the other cards. Should be able to get more than 35 out of 6000+ members. And not yet one card from out of the states except one Canadian and that's really just North Texas. I guess the envelope from Japan or the UK is too expensive to waste on this super drawing.
Guess I need to check out this forum a little more often. I'm sending mine out today. I don't fish and am in the middle of a ugly dirty city, and you might get arrested if you go hunting (or be asked to join a gang), but heck, it's only 5 minutes to Dodgers Stadium. If you plan on spending some time, you better be okay with sharing a house with two big dogs.
Guess I need to check out this forum a little more often. I'm sending mine out today. I don't fish and am in the middle of a ugly dirty city, and you might get arrested if you go hunting (or be asked to join a gang), but heck, it's only 5 minutes to Dodgers Stadium. If you plan on spending some time, you better be okay with sharing a house with two big dogs.

Doesn't everyone live in a house with 2 big dogs....I always have. Mine are old Border Collies and great dogs. Not much for retrieving but if Frisbees had legs, they would herd them back! They can't be beat for speed, agility, intelligence and temperment.

Dodger Stadium....I guess that is almost a good enough reason for living in LA if you had a great paying job too. I have an Ex who was from LA and we spent time visiting her relatives. Nutty folks. She had a sister who stopped doing laundry and dishes because her husband quit mowing their yard. This went on nearly a year. Grass got so long, the neighbors came to complain. The school sent the kids home because they would wear the same dirty clothes for 2 weeks. They had to eat most of their meals out. She is a really good Ex. I was her second husband and have become really good friends with her first. We both agree....she makes a wonderful Ex!!!! AND I DON'T EVEN WANT TO KNOW WHERE SHE IS ........EVER!!
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George, I sent mine today, all my card has is the phone number and Etsy web address, Not many people come to my house, I have the standard two large dogs that live in the house Both German Shepherds and 3 more of them in the back yard plus two Mutts,
I'll bet my greyhounds can beat your border collie's in the speed category. The don't call 'em 40 mile an hour couch potatoes for nothin'.:wink:

That is one of the few that can out run us. Have you ever watched fly-ball competition. Mostly all BC's and they are really fast and have to run hurdles too and retrieve a ball that is shot in their face. Greyhounds are fast but they are not the Einsteins of the DoggieWorld.
That is one of the few that can out run us. Have you ever watched fly-ball competition. Mostly all BC's and they are really fast and have to run hurdles too and retrieve a ball that is shot in their face. Greyhounds are fast but they are not the Einsteins of the DoggieWorld.

Nope that goes to German Shepherds :biggrin: especially this one


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Goerge, I mailed my card yesterday you should get it by Monday or Tuesday, if it;s postmarked before the 31st it still count I hope, See why I don't mind being in the dog house, she was 18 months when the first two pictures were taken and 8 weeks old on the third one, she can herd and guard, I wish I'd had the money to have her Schutzen trained, I never had to teach her any thing, it was if she were born knowing what to do, I don;t have to use voice commands, she works on hand signals or I have a clicker, one of her pups weighs 128 pounds and is the most athletic dog I've ever encountered, he's too big for show, but she threw one sable male that is near perfect, 90 pounds broad chest and excellent confirmation, but I'm not well enough trained to show him.The sire of her pups is from Czechoslovakia, the stud fee was 3 hundred and like fools we kept all three. but as soon as I get better I have a Black ans silver male that is beautify and has a great disposition which I;m going to breed her daughter,she just turned 3years old, Wife says no but this one time, I Will get my way, I really like breeding for the sake of bettering the breed, not just doing it for the money. Can you tell I'm bored?? can't even play with my Bit#h and she get very edgy, she's been laying under foot all week,not even enforcing her senior dog status. Funny how attuned most canines are to their masters, she picks up things my wife of 35b years doesn't notice.
Nancy are your dogs track rescues? I knew several folks in Texas the rescued them after their racing careers were over, I think they re neat dogs, I like the brindle coats, They do look nice and comfy.
Yup! The ones on either end are retired racers. The one in the middle was a lab/grey mix, so she never got to race, but she put the other two to shame in the back yard. She'd turn on the afterburners and they wouldn't be able to keep up.

We had to put her down about 6 weeks ago. Bone cancer. Now she's racing everyone that have gone over the Rainbow Bridge. We miss her a lot.

And now back to the subject at hand! FUNDRAISING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: Get your cards mailed ASAP to George to be eligible for the prizes that are up for grabs. :)
Yep, Hugh, your card made it in and it is a real attractive card. I was thinking of listing who's cards I have and am wondering if anyone would object to publishing the list. I could do just first names. I know you want to be in the drawing for sure. The prises are mounting up and it's a good drawing plus the IAP is gonna get in my pocket for some serious cash.....maybe!

Let me know if you want a list. How about some of you big shots. You can opt out of the drawing if you've got more wood than God (Gary) and just get the $1 donation for the IAP.
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Now we're crackin. 12 cards today and most with addresses. Many little notes saying to drop by and I very well might. We've a trip later this month going from here to Dallas to OK City to Kansas City to Mt Home, AR and back home. I know a couple of y'all are dead in "harm's way" Depending on time, we are gonna try to stop by a few of ya. Next trip after that is probably to Costa Rica for a couple of weeks. Then a trip either west to AZ or to FL to the Keys for Tarpon fishing. In June we travel to the Hudson River area up the Blue Ridge Pkwy with stops in TN, VA, my home town Annapolis, MD, ending up in Cold Spring, NY. Return is down the coast to GA to visit a BIL in Atlanta. Back across the gulf to home. That is as far as we have some ideas for now. If y'all are along the route and want a 300# penturner on your porch for some lemonade, let me know. You might not like me but Kathy is something to see. She gets me in more places....nice lady.

So the total rises to 53 and I'm starting to wish I hadn't spent $300 with old Bill in AZ but that money is gone and he has shipped more pen stuff.

Thanks, George
One more in the mail today George . I sent one of my old ones , just scratched out the old address and wrote in the new one . It'll have to do !! :biggrin:
Sure am glad George asked for my "help". :biggrin: OK well he didn't but, being a kind soul, volunteered my services. With some help from some friends, :devil: I think we have this going in the right direction. :drink:
yeah; I'd like to see a list to make sure it got there and the post office didn't drop it off in a box someplace for a free meal. :biggrin:
Hmmm. It doesn't look like George has been around today. Maybe he got pinned under a mailbag full of business cards.
We got so many threads going I don't know which one to answer. 3 cards today and total is now 57. Stay tuned for more. They are mounting up but well short of the 6000 I thought I was gonna get. Keep em comin'.
We got so many threads going I don't know which one to answer. 3 cards today and total is now 57. Stay tuned for more. They are mounting up but well short of the 6000 I thought I was gonna get. Keep em comin'.

Just answer them all, that's what I've been doing. :biggrin:
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