azamiryou said:
I use "kitless" as a keyword tag, because some knowledgeable shoppers do use it. It's actually in the top ten search keywords used by my visitors.
Same goes for the kit names.
I think this is a very good point as far as SEO goes. Thanks for sharing.
Don't forget those searches could easily be (and probably are) other pen makers checking out your stuff (nobody does that right?)

- I just can't see consumers searching for a jr retro, Sierra, cigar and etc ... Much less typing in a search for a "kit less" pen. It made me feel stupid to type it just now! I think I will do a search for a kit less knife real fast, perhaps a kitless billiard cue, maybe a kitless tool or even a kitless kit (that statement has actually been used many many times right here on this site in a prior post - what the hell is a kitless kit and when did we all forget what we learned in English class????). Go ahead, google kitless kit and behold the geniuses that appear in the search results. Us! Right here on the IAP discussing kitless kits!! While you are at google feel free to type in kitless p ... Allow google to show you suggestions after typing the "p". All those results are from us talking about it, instructions on it and even making videos of the elusive kitless. It is us pen makers searching for KITLESS - not consumers!! A kitless _________ just sounds retarded. We could fill in the blank with pretty much anything tangible and it will just never sound right!
The reality is simple ... Consumable products require parts to build. Sometimes those parts are sold individually and sometimes those parts are sold together. Those parts could be made by an individual or by a company – doesn't really matter, we need parts (or kits, components, pieces, etc) to make our pens. Re-read that - to MAKE our pens. Are we really so naive to think someone cares how those parts get made and who made them? Nope... Besides the fact, that rarely do we see a "kitless" pen where the finial doesn't look odd, maybe the clip, no clip at all, odd insert material, weird looking portable caps, etc... the list goes on forever. Custom work? Absolutely, no doubt that making a pen without using a kit is highly custom piece of art but none th less just that - custom.
IMO, we should all vow immediately to never say kitless again when speaking of our creations. Let's just all make our own "custom pens"!!!! We ALL do make CUSTOM pens ... some different levels of intricacy and ornate ness, yes but at the end of the day they are all just custom pens.
PS ... To start a seperate conversation: We all privately know that there is a hell of a lot more time, customization and dollar value in most of the segmented & scalloped pens here on this site (wiset

), they far exceed the customization of any "kit less" creation IMHO.