Hard Facts on TBC, Mandrels, Centers and 60°

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I am relatively new to penturning and have been using a mandrel for a long time. I decided to give TBC a try a few weeks ago. Now?... I am so spoiled!!! I turn my Sierra and Statesman pens this way and love it.

I do see one major problem though; now I absolutely dread turning a Euro because I have to do these with a mandrel. Is there any chance that these will ever be able to be turned between centers???
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I am relatively new to penturning and have been using a mandrel for a long time. I decided to give TBC a try a few weeks ago. Now?... I am so spoiled!!! I turn my Sierra and Statesman pens this way and love it.

I do see one major problem though; now I absolutely dread turning a Euro because I have to do these with a mandrel. Is there any chance that these will ever be able to be turned between centers???

Check my site out.:) look here
Great post Hank!

I started out with a small metal lathe before I ever knew there were Wood Lathes.

I didn't know I a spur since I've been using a Fronster bit (still do) to round the blank before I got educated :wink:
Ok, I'll put in my $0.02... I don't think the bushings are necessary. Use a $10 caliper and patience, and you can TBC without any bushings at all. This allows you to turn and finish without removing the bushings, and you don't have to invest in a bushing per each pen style. So in that way, it caters to the cheap, and those who want the most flexibility.
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