Happy... umm, Merry... umm... yeah, that!

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I would have liked to have tried your Thai Dragon peppers that made habeneos mild. The only ones I can find are only a little warmer than jalapeno, neither being hot!
I have advanced to the Red Savino Habenero, they claim that they are 600,000+ on the Scovile scale. I LOVE HOT with taste.
I have grown the Thai Dragons and they are great. I gave some to a Thai lady I worked with so she could make fish sauce.

The United States of America was founded on decidedly Christian principles. If anyone doubts this read our founding documents and anything written by George Washington or any of the other founding fathers. It is a shame that we have to be so politically correct!
Well, to be perfectly truthfull, I support Bush's decision to stay in Iraq and think all those democrates should go to.....Oohhhh...crap wrong thread.[:D]

I like pickles too!
When I was young and growing up on the farm, my parents decided that raising cucumbers for Gedney Pickles would be a money making venture.
We had a 10 acre of the d*** things. That was a 7 day a week job for the entire summer. The good money was for the little ones for baby dills. I haven't eaten a pickle/cucumber willingly since and we are talking 40 years. Pickled herring on the other hand, can't beat that washed down with some good beer.
The worst part about raising cukes is the spines on those buggers; they can hurt (at least when you're an 8 year old kid)!
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