Had another go

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
I've have played around with the idea of a pattern on all sides of a pen, so, with my recently aquired Purpleheart and Bananawood ( Canarywood, more correctly)
I gave it another go. Here's the blank. All comments appreciated.
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Alan, this blank is truly amazing. I really like the lighter wood (is it end grain?) that is wavy, with the structured straight lines of your + Great contrast of lines and colors. Really, Really nice. Thanks for the inspiration.
Alan, this blank is truly amazing. I really like the lighter wood (is it end grain?) that is wavy, with the structured straight lines of your + Great contrast of lines and colors. Really, Really nice. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks for the comments, Kevin.
Yes 'wavy' wood is end grain Ash.
Other timbers are Canarywood and Purpleheart.
Thanks, Tom.
It looks good currently, but I have yet to turn it down to the bushes, and I think that the spaces between the patterns will disappear and it will look too busy.
I will hold back for a while before turning it down.
Thanks, Tom.
It looks good currently, but I have yet to turn it down to the bushes, and I think that the spaces between the patterns will disappear and it will look too busy.
I will hold back for a while before turning it down.
Well I know that we're all looking forward to seeing the finished product when you're ready! Absolutely incredible work!!!
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