12-29-09 at 4;30 pm
This is taking way too long.
Jan, 9, 2010 at 11:00
2:30 P.M.
That is my story and i am sticking to it!
I just realized i have guessed a Sunday... My NEW modified guess is Jan. 9th, 11:18 A.M.
Since the 9th is a whole day, and there are 3 votes within the 11 o'clock hour, And i figure you might have a job to drive home from.... I would like to change my Jan. 9th vote to 5:23 P.M. If that is ok?
I'm in shock
Jon check out the tracking:wink:
Dude...you're spending WAY too much time on this! I've already ruled out the box of legal tender (was going to send shredded cash if he won, but that's not legal tender anymore)
Is that your final answer? :wink:
I guess a crowbar was out of the question....:biggrin:This reminds me of an urgent job I had to do outside New Orleans several years ago. Same time of year too.
I sent out the parts and my tools via Air Freight before I left and I arrived just about a week before Christmas.
I already called the client to see if the stuff had arrived before I got on the plane.
Yes, he said. It was in the Customs Bonded Warehouse in the shipyard where I was going to work.
Flew to Chicago, then another to New Orleans, hired a car and drove to site.
Met with client and he took me to the warehouse to get the stuff.
Closed till after the new year!!!!!!