Glossary of Acronyms and Short Names

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Awesome ... have we got a collection of money-saving tips for our overseas friends who use the post as well? :)

Nothing in a compiled form that I'm aware of & it will vary by country of course. I'll try to follow up on that, but probably in a different thread. I don't want to stray too far off the course of this particular thread.
TBC = Turn Between Centers

Instead of threading the pen blank on a pen mandrel, the blank is suspended "between centers." In theory, this reduces the chances of unbalanced or off-center turning, which can come from a bent mandrel or tightening the knurled knob too much.

(I learned the acronym when someone suggested that I try "TBC." I thought they meant "turn by calipers", but I was wrong. That is NOT what "TBC" means.)
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