I have been enjoying this website for quite a spell..and I think maybe new folks could use a tad of help to understand that the answers they get many times are opinions and not necessarily fact. There are people who appear to give answers & opinions and it is clear they don't know beans...then there are folks who have great knowledge and share it freely.. The question then for newbies is : WHO to trust? I pondered this for quite awhile and maybe this will help...Go to the person's gallery pictures..if their pens are worse than yours, you might not consider their info valuable..If they are telling you how to turn a bowl and have no nice bowls posted, you might blow by their advice..Pictures will tell you the skill and abilities of the person who is advising you...:biggrin:THIS IS MY OPINION:biggrin: and I hope it helps those who are feeling their way in a new hobby
I don't know if photos of completed pens are a good criteria to judge someones value or not. I used to have photos on the IAP but they are all gone so I guess they fall off after a while. I think photos along with the advice shows the reader that you at least know how to do what you are talking about.
I'm glad to see this thread as I would like some honest advice because I'm doing something terribly WRONG and coming across as smug or "know it all" lately and I think it's just the way I write and come across.
When I share the way I do something I pretend the audience has never done what I am showing so I don't overlook any "basic steps" for the newbies. I always try to include photos since in pen turning we have a dozen names for the same thing and a lot of new folks don't know what we're talking about especially when we start using our "home made" acronyms or cyber abbreviations! I also try to state that what I am sharing is not the only way of doing something, just "my way".
That last phrase has caused me a lot of grief lately because I think people are taking it the wrong way and I've received some doozy emails asking things like "who died and made me pen God?" or "None of this was MY idea, I only copy from others". It got so carried away that I changed the phrase from "my way" to "another way".
What I mean to convey is that what I am showing is how I do something and there are other ways so don't get hung up trying to follow every tiny detail to the letter.
At first I thought it would be easy sharing ideas with others but it is actually very hard! You have to watch every word you use because you never know how someone will take it.
It would be nice to know if there were some "middle of the road" phrases to use so folks don't think you're talking down to them. Any ideas or suggestions? Perhaps this is why some turners don't even bother with giving advice!