Funnest Joke Ever!!!

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I loved the trips to my grandmas house as a kid in the 50's! She always saved all of her empty coke bottles for us to cash in when we got back home at $.03 apiece!

If we started acting up in the back seat, all my mom had to say was "If you keep it up, NO bottles" and that usually worked. Of course, the trip home was always quiet as we calculated how to split up the booty and what we were going to spend it on.

........ The good ole days!:)
Originally posted by Mudder

.....There is an acceptable use policy and you seem to feel that you are something special and do not need to follow it.

If you look again you will see that Lou has in fact edited his signature line to follow the guidelines.....

Scott: Apparently, I am special as you chose to single me out as a target rather than make a general request to the entire non-conforming membership. (looks to me like there might be a personal agenda here?) In wonder if you reviewed the signature lines of all of the regularly posting IAP members and sent everyone a personal email to request their compliance or was I your only target?

Also, you have failed to note that I, too, edited my signature line to be in full compliance with the IAP rules. A person who was being completely unbiased and intellectually honesty might have been expected to note that point as well.


In Their Memory.
Originally posted by Randy_

Originally posted by Mudder

.....There is an acceptable use policy and you seem to feel that you are something special and do not need to follow it.

If you look again you will see that Lou has in fact edited his signature line to follow the guidelines.....

Scott: Apparently, I am special as you chose to single me out as a target rather than make a general request to the entire non-conforming membership. (looks to me like there might be a personal agenda here?) In wonder if you reviewed the signature lines of all of the regularly posting IAP members and sent everyone a personal email to request their compliance or was I your only target?

Also, you have failed to note that I, too, edited my signature line to be in full compliance with the IAP rules. A person who was being completely unbiased and intellectually honesty might have been expected to note that point as well.

Randy, Randy, Randy, you poor man. You still don't get it.

Matter of fact I have sent a few personal emails to folks who I have noticed do not follow the posted guidelines. I sent you one not too long ago, don't you remember? I can post it with your reply if you would like.

None of the other folks I wrote to chose to attack another member for posting a joke. Karl hit the nail on the head but you just don't seem to get it "my friend". If you are going to accuse someone of wrongdoing then you should make sure that you are in full compliance with the rules. As I predicted you did as any child would do, you kicked and screamed and tried to say "well this guy and that guy are doing it so why not me"

Yes, I see that you have now edited your signature line to comply with the posted guidelines. Is that what you need to hear? Do I really have to make a public acknowledgment of something that the vast majority of our members already do?

Hey everyone, lets give Randy a nice golf clap!

There you go buddy.... Feel better now?

There is one thing that you are very very wrong about Randy. If you think that I would waste my time or energy to have a "personal agenda" towards you then you think waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too highly of yourself. From my perspective it appears that your just angry because your own "personal agenda" backfired.

Warmest Regards,

<center>We need to lighten up a little.

If you have something ugly to say . . . then email it to yourself and read it over ...

if you still insisting on saying it . . .

then pm the person.

"Words are like poison, they sink down inside you." (Lyle Lovett)
Originally posted by DocStram

<center>.....then pm the person.....</center>

Al: You are quite correct. In hind sight, I regret making my comments to Travis on an open forum. It would have been much more respectful of him had I done so. Lesson learned, hopefully.

I made the same mistake once before and thought it was a lesson learned at the time; but apparently not. Guess I am a slow learner.


In Their Memory
Well, I hope we can all forget about whatever happened here from this post on (if anyone even feels the need to post more :D)

I feel the need to post more because I remember one of my high school teachers telling the "gloop" one - except he had us waiting for 2 WEEKS to tell us this great story and he strung out the story for like 30 minutes! Then we all fell for it again, listening with rapt attention to a story about "purple flowers" or something like that. And we were a captive audience! :D
Originally posted by Randy_

Originally posted by DocStram

<center>.....then pm the person.....</center>

Al: You are quite correct. In hind sight, I regret making my comments to Travis on an open forum. It would have been much more respectful of him had I done so. Lesson learned, hopefully.

I made the same mistake once before and thought it was a lesson learned at the time; but apparently not. Guess I am a slow learner.

I have to admit that I did not expect to see this.


You just took some major steps to show me that my perception of you might be askew.

I guess that I too have a many things yet to be learned.

I would like to extend and "olive branch" with the hope that we can put this behind us.


Originally posted by Woodlvr

This is really getting tiring. A person puts a joke on here that someone thinks is a waste of time and he starts the trouble but all have to suffer because HE thought that it was too long and NOT FUNNY? Randy noone made you read it but yourself. It is not political or against any of the rules that I have seen or heard so why are we all suffering because 1 person did not think it should be here and should be deleted? I thought that this was a democracy not a one man dictatorship? I have been really close to dropping my membership here (MY LOSS) but it is very depressing that people have to dig out negative stuff about someones post instead of just not reacting to it. I am NOT a professor or a college grad (I know it shows) just a person who has donated and tried to fit in and enjoy the fruits of the many masters on here, their knowledge and experience. Just my two cents.


Mike . . . you and I have both been IAP members since February, 2006. I would hate to see you drop your membership. I guess I'm a little troubled by your comments about being not being "a professor or a college grad." Since I'm one of the professors around here I'd like to take a few minutes to "clear the air."

I come from a blue collar family . . . and I'm proud of it. I'm one of five children. My dad was an $80 a week laborer at a factory. Neither of my parents graduated from high school. As a matter of fact, they never even saw the inside of a high school. One quit school in the 7th grade and the other in 8th. They both came from large families ... my dad's parents immigrated from Italy and my mother's from Russia.

When I was a kid, nothing was ever handed to me. If there was something special that I wanted ... I worked for it. I had my first job when I was 12 years old and worked my way through college. I've done everything from pumping gas at an all night gas station to digging sewer lines to working in a bakery. I come from a union family. My dad taught me at an early age that you never cross a picket line. I remember being in elementary school and standing with the Westinghouse workers on Christmas Eve warming up at burn barrel ... while my dad walked the picket line.

I was fortunate enough to go to college and then become a special education teacher while making $5,800 a year. I later went to grad school and then became a professor.

As my children were growing up I tried hard not to complain about their teachers. There was only one time that I went to the principal to complain about a teacher. My oldest kid was in 7th grade at the time. He came home from school making fun of "burger flippers." I asked him where he had heard that phrase ... he said one of his teachers laughed at a kid and told the kid that he would grow up to be nothing more than a burger flipper. I sat down with my kids and had a long talk with them. How dare anyone put down another person because of their occupation. Whether someone is a garbage man ... ditch digger ... or brain surgeon ... they are all contributing members of society.

I make it a point to never put down another person .... IAP member or not ... because of their occupation. I hope I've never ridiculed anybody in IAP because of a spelling or grammatical error. I could care less if anybody here graduated from college ... or, for that matter ... high school. At the same time, I hope nobody stereotypes me because I happen to be a college professor.

Incidentally, as many around here will confirm ... I make more than my share of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in my posts. Just take a look at my trivia questions during the recent Bash. You'll see how many times I edited my posts. When someone corrects me ... I laugh it off.

The way I see it ... everybody at IAP has a seat at the table ... as long as they treat others with respect and dignity.

I guess what I'm saying to you is this ... I, and others, value you as an IAP member. We'd hate to see you leave. Maybe you should try doing what I did several months ago .... I just took a break from IAP for a couple of months. Then came back with a new perspective. In any event, I don't want to try to talk you into staying. That's up to you. Just know that your contributions will be missed and you will be welcome back when, and if, you are ever ready.

Best wishes to you.
Originally posted by Randy_

Originally posted by DocStram

<center>.....then pm the person.....</center>

Al: You are quite correct. In hind sight, I regret making my comments to Travis on an open forum. It would have been much more respectful of him had I done so. Lesson learned, hopefully.

I made the same mistake once before and thought it was a lesson learned at the time; but apparently not. Guess I am a slow learner.


In Their Memory

Randy, that took a lot of guts, and was not at all what I was expecting. I'm very impressed and grateful that you took the time and effort to post that. (I would have posted earlier, but I just scraped myself out of bed after staying up all night again...[xx(]) I also should have emailed you directly instead of spouting off publicly the way I did, and I apologize. Lesson learned here as well. :)

Group hug everyone? [:X] heh

*ducks away from all of the wood chunks, chisels and IAP mugs flying his direction*
Originally posted by Mudder

.....I would like to extend and "olive branch" with the hope that we can put this behind us.....

Not going to say the incident is forgotten.....otherwise I might screw up again; but it is certainly in the past and no hard feelings!


In Their Memory
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