O.K. I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. I have a bumper sticker on my truck that says "pro logging environmentalist". Hey , I used to work as a logger in Michigan's U.P. When I was up in the big woods, there was a controversy going on over a proposed new paper mill. The anti-logging bunch were very vocal about the "rapeing of mother earth" ond so on. Mostly they expressed emotional arguments with little in the way of facts to back up their claims. Some of their members were spiking trees which could have injured or killed the guys trying to make a living. When it was all over, and after the paper mill company pulled it's proposal, it was found out that the leader of the anti-logging group was in fact the son of a Mead company executive. It was all politics and it just cost yoopers the chance at decent jobs.
Most of the logging we did was sustainable logging called TSI. (timber stand improvement). Clear cutting is done in pulp wood stands which are renewable in a 30 year cycle or less.
My cousin lives and works in the jungles of Guatemala. He is a biologist and has worked to preserve the oseolated turkey. He has increased the numbers of these birds by managing them for limited harvest (gringo hunts) which has also increased the income of the village he lives in by something like 4 times. He expressed a desire to me to get a portable sawmill going to harvest trees that are left by the loggers who are cutting the jungle. The loggers work until the rainy season hits and when they start getting their log trucks stuck they throw off logs to get unstuck and leave these logs to rot on the side of the road. These are the logs he wishes to harvest.
I think these people are just trying to make a living. No matter how much we might object to the logging in the rain forests, I believe the wood will be cut and sold. I think the only thing impacted by protesting the harvest is the price of the wood. It will be sold somewhere, and it will be cut. It would be nice to see sustainable harvest methods employed, but keep in mind that the people who live there are quite poor and are just trying to make a living.
As far as the global market and global warming are concerned, I think both are a load of crap. The global market allows us to attempt to compete with slave states such as China.
My dad was a scientist who was of the opinion that somewhere up to 80% of the "science" published was corrupt and provably so. Money is the prime corrupting agent. Remember that farming used to be done on greenland. Planes that crashed there during ww2 are now under several hundred feet of ice. They used to grow oranges in Great Britain......and so on.
I sure would have liked to see Michigan when it was covered with Chessnut trees. But heck, the world changes. I think man's impact on the earth is rather small over time. I think it's arrogant to think we have as much impact as is being said with today's environmental controversies. Not that we shouldn't attempt to do the honorable thing and be conservoters of the resources available......Let's go make some pens.