Well, that's true to a degree, but only because the sheep have no need for freedom, no concept of what it means, and usually think that by conforming more slavishly to whatever the fashionista/advertising trend of the day is, they are demonstrating "freedom" But who is more unfree? The IBM jr manager in his cloned brooks brothers suit and red tie, or the biker in his leathers, chains and tats? (or a marine in his high-and-tight, corps tshirt and bumper sticker) All are conforming to a code imposed upon them by someone else in order to "belong" to a group. Perhaps it is a code that they willingly and proudly accept, but it is still conforming.
Is true freedom the crusty old desert rat, living out in the boonies and not seeing anybody else for weeks at a time (but not bothering to send in a 1040 every year either?) Or is it the Montagnard partisan, fighting on for his people and their homeland long after everyone else abandoned them, hunted and bloodied but unbowed?
All humans trade some degree of autonomy for the benefits of society and coexistance with their fellow man. The question is how much, and how willingly they make that trade.