Ford ---------rant

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Auto dealerships figure they are no in the parts busness. They want to sell you a new one. Thats why we pay $112 for a $5 cable. Back in the 70's &80's , GM built cars too self-destruct after 50,000 miles, and most did. That helped the inports get a foot in the door

I hear wife's 1995 Dodge Spirit needed a cross-over tube, a $38 part.......installation = $750! Same deal with the water pump, about $135 and installation = $750......

Went out and bought her a fully loaded 1999 Tahoe........great vehicle!!! Sold the Dodge for $800 and don't miss it!!!

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As a former auto mechanic I think that all cars have problems, but like Wudnhead said I think personal experience is what makes people like cars. I learned on American cars and they were good cars until the late 70's and then they all started to go bad. I specialized in Japanese, German and Swedish cars and they just keep on running because is those countries people don't buy new cars every few years so that have to last a lifetime. My Volvo wagon has over 600,000 miles on it and is still running and used daily by a fried who bought it from me when I sold it to buy a Toyota Tacoma that now have 270,000 miles on it. On all of them I change the oil every 3,000 miles and they just keep on running. It is sad that the American auto industry lost sight of what makes a good car and instead focused on making hugh profits at their customers expense.
Auto dealerships figure they are no in the parts busness. They want to sell you a new one. Thats why we pay $112 for a $5 cable. Back in the 70's &80's , GM built cars too self-destruct after 50,000 miles, and most did. That helped the inports get a foot in the door

On the contrary, they are in the parts business. That is why they can charge $112 for a $5 cable. They have a captive market where it doesn't pay for the aftermarket to make the cable. I was in the parts business. The dealerships may not have sales as high as a new vehicle but the margins they make on parts and labor are outrageous. Hate the dealerships but many times they are the only ones to have the parts if they even stock them.

You get bad service when they don't have the parts and you the privilege of paying a premium for that service.
I was brought up as a chevy kid. Still want a vet but other then that I wouldn't buy a chevy. Can't stand Ford cars but if it was a truck I may buy a Ford. Had a Dodge Neon 250k miles had major work done but I still like the cars. I think they got a bad name because they were a cheap car the young people could afford and they beat on them.(me included) Dodge would be the first I would consider buying but only if I had to buy American.

American companies lost site of the fact people cant afford to buy a car every 3-5 years. Right now if you bought a new car for 30k every 5 years thats 180k on cars over 30 years. The average price of a home is 200k-250k. Thats just nuts.
I have a Honda now and I expect 200k mile at the minimum from it and I am hoping for 350k-400k. With any American car if I bought it I wouldn't plan on any more then 100k-120k. I drive about 25k a year.

Buy a car. Drive it into the ground. Buy another car. At some point it is no longer worth trying to save a car. Cars are just to get from point A to point B. You will never get out of your car what you put into it. Enjoy it while you have it and then move on.

The 10 year suply of parts may also have to do with patent protection is only good for ten years. Then anyone can make them. Just hope you have a need of a part that was common so a third party can make then and make money on them.
Buy a Jeep and I promise you'll feel better about your Ford. I have a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee that has cost me more in repairs than all the other cars I've owned put together. And I've owned a lot of cars and trucks.
Well heck! If they didn't practice planned obsolescence, how could the american auto makers afford those private jets they used to fly to Washington and beg congress for bail out money?
FORD = Found On Road Dead.

Hey ---if you can't buy a dang radiator hose-----they are flower beds on wheels.
My 1999 Dodge has 126K miles on it and still works for a living----when it's not in the shop. I have 3 shows in a row coming up starting this weekend---if I can just make it through them-----keeping my fingers crossed.
American companies lost site of the fact people cant afford to buy a car every 3-5 years. Right now if you bought a new car for 30k every 5 years thats 180k on cars over 30 years. The average price of a home is 200k-250k. Thats just nuts.

The flaw in you math is trade value after 5 years. That's going to take $60k+ off your figure.
Think about some of the fall out------shops that close-----no more muffler shops---or brake shops---won't need parts stores anymore-----you will be forced to get your oil changed at the dealership or void your warranty.
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