First try at aluminium segmenting

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Oct 23, 2014
Hello everyone. This is my first post. I have been a life long wood worker, I have done a little turning in the past, but not much. My son got me interested in turning stylus. This is my first try with aluminum, the materials are silver leaf maple, Paducah and 25 guage aluminium. It is glued together with loctite go glue. Kept having trouble with epoxy and CA glue. I finally got this one to hold together. It is finished with linseed oil and Deft lacquer. I have not attached the stylus kit to it yet. May sand it down and wait for doctors pen turning finish I ordered today to come in. I am learning a lot from this forum. To try and not heat up during drilling I used compressed air blowing on the drill @20 PSI. Then during sanding I sanded with the air blowing on the blank to try and minimize the amount of aluminum drug into the blank. Any one else tried the loctite go glue. Ally and all comments appreciated.


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Thanks I have done a couple of keltic knots but I really like the shine of the aluminum. I tried a coke can first, but wanted a thicker metal. Oh guess I told off on myself this wasn't,
exactly my first. It is the first one that I felt like showing.
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