First Segmented blanks

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Mar 23, 2013
Denver, PA
Just blanks - not pens... yet.:smile:

The first blank is birch plywood that I cut up and glued together so the plys run 90° to each other. The second is a prototype blank that shows how it will look after it's turned - all you will see is the plys running vertically on the pen.

The middle blank is white oak with a soft maple block outlined with cherry.

The third and fourth blanks are an experiment that I think will turn out nicely. I just used some random thin cutoffs from behind the chop saw and glued them together. I outlined that with 1/8" birch plywood and glued on crosscut cherry and maple pieces to extend the length. The fourth blank is the same idea, but I also used some smaller pieces and glued them end to end. All woods used are cherry, white oak, red oak, and soft maple.


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Hey Chris, those look great. And you made them. That makes them special because there are no others that are exactly like them. They are yours. The pens that you make from them are from you and only you. I cannot wait to see them posted up. If you have a cigar kit try that on that one you have started to turn it will be really good!
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I like your ideas. I am not a fan of ordinary plywood such as you are using. It is too ragged and random pieces with gaps. I suggest you make your own plywood if that is the look you are after. You can control the color of the woods and the dimentions of the layers. Or you can use Baltic Birch or Finish Birch plywood and get a more uniform group of layers and colors on woods. These are just my opinions. Hope to see some finished pens.
I've thought about doing some similar stuff before, though I never actually got around to doing it. I look forward to seeing the completed pens! These should be interesting!
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