First Scalloped blank

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Take your time with it. If you get to felling like its going to come apart stop and give it a cost of thin CA. It looks good from what see. The larger the pen the less likely you will blow it up. You lose a lot of the look with smaller pens.
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very nice 1st attempt. Scallops are classy ! Do not get in a hurry when drilling, and drill at a slow speed, back out often to clear chips and keep both the blank and drill bit as cool as possible. Aluminum is an excellent heat conductor and heats up easily and fast. Take your time and you'll be fine.
Well done

It was drilled on the slowest speed I could get about half way from each end.
Everything stayed nice and cool.

Thin CA for sure on the segmented end. This burl loves to chip out.

I normally trim the ends by chucking it up and scraping the end with a cut off tool but I may make a sanding rig for this one..
It's going to be fun either way Scott! With segments...sometimes...I like a freshly sharpened barrel trimmer. The heat from sanding can delaminate all your work, DAMHIKT! Whatever works...stick with it!
I made the most basic sanding rig i could think of.
Just a piece of brass tubing and paper with a hole in it stuck in a collet chuck


Simple but effective


It was going great then boom.. sigh.. catch on the aluminum. I was to aggressive with the skew.

the glue joint on the aluminum failed.. clean break.. no wood chipped or broken so I glued it back together, soaked the segmented end in CA and kept going..

The joints are not as tight as before but I think it's ok.

I was thinking of giving it some time in the sun before I give it the BLO and CA treatment.

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John's comment got me thinking....Has anyone tried doing 60 degree cuts and then 45 degree cuts so that one pair of scallops will be longer than than the other adjacent set?
John's comment got me thinking....Has anyone tried doing 60 degree cuts and then 45 degree cuts so that one pair of scallops will be longer than than the other adjacent set?

Nice idea.. I'd may try it but rotate the 2nd segmenting 90 deg so you get the triangles on all 4 sides.

Right after I do what I have planned next.. 22 fret guitar pen for my son.
It'll either be amazing or drive me mad.
That what I was set at 60 degrees and the adjacent set at 45.

Good luck with the guitar.
PM me if you need a source for nice woods for guitars.
Can be done and has been done. Look through some old posts on scallop segmenting and I am sure you will run into it. There are so many things you can do. If you are into trying things, here is one for you. Do the first set of scallops in 6o degree and let set. On top of that do a set of 45 degree scallops. Now these can only be done the way the OP is doing them because you are squaring the blank after each set. I can tell you many ways to do scallops. What I need is to find some shop time so I can post a few examples. My work has got me tied up and not sure when I can get some shop time. But give some of these ideas a try. It is only a piece of wood and a small amount of time. Have some fun.

If you want to try another sample, take your blank and make it six sided(equal sides) do the 45 degree scallops and then try 60 degree scallops and then combine. If you want take it to 8 sides and do the same. Lets go use those thinking caps. I want to see some more exciting segmenting.

Some very good info here. Feast your eyes on this beauty.
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That what I was set at 60 degrees and the adjacent set at 45.

Good luck with the guitar.
PM me if you need a source for nice woods for guitars.

I need to get through all this before I go hunting for more wood.

Neighbor was moving and gave away me all his off cuts and small pieces of wood. Lots of exotics and figured pieces in there.

This little box is what get me interesting in segmenting.


Then my friend recently bought 2500 BF of Cherry and has been giving me his off cuts, knotted, warped and other bits that don't work well for what he's building.. Perfect stock for pens though.
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