First 6 Sided Celtic Knot

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Dec 24, 2017
I'm pretty happy with this first attempt. I have to say the 6 sided knot is way harder to do than the 8 sided ones. Next attempt will have three layers of infill.


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I like it, Ken. Seems like a good balance between more loops and too many.

What was harder about it than 8? I have a guess, but would rather read your observation.

One thing I'd like to try is setting the decorative bands to jusssst barely miss touching the ends of the loops. I think that would look cool.
I like it, Ken. Seems like a good balance between more loops and too many.

What was harder about it than 8? I have a guess, but would rather read your observation.

One thing I'd like to try is setting the decorative bands to jusssst barely miss touching the ends of the loops. I think that would look cool.
Well to make an 8 sided knot I make an 8 sided blank, simple to do. It's not easy to make a hexagonal blank, so I start with a round blank. It's more difficult to make precise cuts 60° from each other. I am adapting my jig to make that easier and repeatable.
Well to make an 8 sided knot I make an 8 sided blank, simple to do. It's not easy to make a hexagonal blank, so I start with a round blank. It's more difficult to make precise cuts 60° from each other. I am adapting my jig to make that easier and repeatable.
Put on lathe and route it using an indexing wheel.

I just found an old thread I wrote back in 2012 on AAW asking this question. Boy even back then the mind was segmenting.:) I guess this is what sent me down the lathe and router jig use back then.. It does work.
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Put on lathe and route it using an indexing wheel.

I just found an old thread I wrote back in 2012 on AAW asking this question. Boy even back then the mind was segmenting.:) I guess this is what sent me down the lathe and router jig use back then.. It does work.
Yeah I knew that method to mark the blank but that only gets you so far. I'm not eyeballing marks when cutting it, that's really not precise enough for me. My method eliminates marking the blank at all.
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