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This is sounding more and more like a Jeff Foxworthy show.

If you've done any of the above ...
" Then You Might Be A Penturner!"

This one is for you LEAP!

Don't eat so many Pier Fries at OOB, Maine that you chuck in the car on the way home........I'm just saying.

Scott (vinegar coming back out hurts a little) B
If you tip your cup of resin over, do NOT reach for it in a panic. Instead of a neat puddle on the floor, you end up spraying it all over you, your shop, your tools, your...

First Aid tip; When closing a small shallow cut on your arm with CA (yes, you can do that, just make sure the two edges meet) do not use accelerator...it works BUT now you have a burn on top of the cut

Well, doesn't that instantly stop the bleeding as though you had cauterized it. Seems to me that woud be far better than using the soldering iron and getting lead poison! :eek:
When adjusting your tablesaw to make a bevel cut, don't forget to replace the zero clearance throat plate with the standard one ! DAMHIKT
This is sounding more and more like a Jeff Foxworthy show.

If you've done any of the above ...
" Then You Might Be A Penturner!"

This one is for you LEAP!

Don't eat so many Pier Fries at OOB, Maine that you chuck in the car on the way home........I'm just saying.

Scott (vinegar coming back out hurts a little) B

Now Thats Funny right there!!
A puddle of thin CA on the table takes exactly long enough to set up to get your arm in the puddle. That is what a friend told me. I would never do something like that.
Do not use your bare hand to hold a white paper towel while applying CA. Real hot real quick and stuck to the finger. Another friend told me this also.
Do not turn pens in the nude.
If you must turn in the nude, do not use a CA finish.
If you must turn in the nude AND use a CA finish, do let the CA spray on you.
If you must turn in the nude AND use CA AND get some on you, do not spray accelerator on the CA.
If you must tunr in the nude AND use CA AND get some on you AND spray on accelerator, do not run out into the yard screaming in pain.

If all the above happens, just remember, your CA finish would not have worked because you didn't wear yellow socks.

First Aid tip; When closing a small shallow cut on your arm with CA (yes, you can do that, just make sure the two edges meet) do not use accelerator...it works BUT now you have a burn on top of the cut

Well, doesn't that instantly stop the bleeding as though you had cauterized it. Seems to me that woud be far better than using the soldering iron and getting lead poison! :eek:

Fred, it works real well BUT this is where you separate the men from the boys...it turned out I was a "Toddler" and can reach a high note when I scream.
When using two part epoxy to glue tubes in pen blank, make sure it is complety dry before you put them on the mandrel and start turning. DAMHIKT
Do not adjust the bevel angle on the table saw with the zero clearance insert installed.
If you must do this, wear good hearing protection and face shield. PLEASE DAMHIKT

PS; Has anyone compiled this into a Wiki? Tom?
A puddle of thin CA on the table takes exactly long enough to set up to get your arm in the puddle. That is what a friend told me. I would never do something like that.
Do not use your bare hand to hold a white paper towel while applying CA. Real hot real quick and stuck to the finger. Another friend told me this also.

And in the process of trying to get said super hot super glued paper towel off of your finger, a real nice blister will develop from the heat. DAMHIKT!
When you need one of your six hammers to pound a tube into the blank due to faster than expected CA curing, none will be where you thought you left them.

Sawstop cartridges with blades stuck in them make excellent clocks. So far the high school school shop has 5 time zones listed.

28 four foot dual bulb florescent light fixtures will still cast a shadow on what ever you want to work on.

Vacuuming the shop floor with your dust collector makes funny noises when you pick up the odd plastic shopping bag even if you have the separation barrel and cyclone.

The garbage man does not like it when you empty the dust collector straight into the garbage can sans bag.

Drilling large diameter holes on "regular" speed makes some fantastically hot drill bits.

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When using a razor sharp chisel, if you drop it let it hit the floor. Do not try to catch it in mid-air.

Along with this if you work in your shop with leisure footwear (bare foot sandles or Crocs) do not try to cushion the fall of that sharp chisel, skew or Icepick with your foot. DAMHIKT
If you spill resin on ...... "yourself"
Do not try to clean the pants with Keytone while still wearing them.

The person that actually did that had to go to the hospital with chemical burns.

And sorry, it is not an actual damhikt, but witnessed as an observer.
Here's a non-penmaking one...

Don't expect your nitrile gloves to protect you from paint stripper. (Jasco Premium Paint and Epoxy Remover is what I was using...)

Happily, I noticed the nitrile bubbling right away, so got away with just minor chemical burns on my fingers. This happened during the restore of a vintage lathe. I went and bought some proper chemical gloves, and the project is moving smoothly now.
When applying ca finish make sure the glue is dry before using a paper towel to get a bug off it DAMHIKT
Here's a non-penmaking one...

Don't expect your nitrile gloves to protect you from paint stripper. (Jasco Premium Paint and Epoxy Remover is what I was using...)

Happily, I noticed the nitrile bubbling right away, so got away with just minor chemical burns on my fingers. This happened during the restore of a vintage lathe. I went and bought some proper chemical gloves, and the project is moving smoothly now.

I found that out the hard way stripping door hardware in an old house. Of course, I was under a time crunch so I just washed my hands in cold water whenever the burning got to be too much. Chemical burns that had my hands peeling for a week or so.
When doing anything on a belt sander and you drop something turn the belt sander off before turning around and bending over to pick it up, especially in dress pants. I hear it will ruin the seat of your pants and depending on how quick you are quite possibly take some skin. Just DAMHIKT.
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If casting a chili pepper blank, wear latex gloves. And never, never use the men's room if your hands have pepper dust on them. DAMHIKT.
Don't leave a towel precariously laying next to your 2hp dust collector when you turn it on...

Tighten your tailstock and the chuck in your tailstock before trying to drill on a lathe...

Don't hang your razor sharp chisels right over your paper towel supply...

Don't go to a fellow penturners house when you know they have every toy imaginable that you also know would look just right in that little spot in your shop...

I just put this in the note to self but feel it can be used here.

When making PR Ribbons 2ox of resin will spread beyong an 8x10 piece of glass..........I just learned this. Talk about a dance around to keep it on the glass.
I just put this in the note to self but feel it can be used here.

When making PR Ribbons 2ox of resin will spread beyong an 8x10 piece of glass..........I just learned this. Talk about a dance around to keep it on the glass.

The one time I tried ribbons (I really need to go back to them) I made a dam of silicone caulking around the edges of the glass because I was paranoid it would run off.
I just put this in the note to self but feel it can be used here.

When making PR Ribbons 2ox of resin will spread beyong an 8x10 piece of glass..........I just learned this. Talk about a dance around to keep it on the glass.

The one time I tried ribbons (I really need to go back to them) I made a dam of silicone caulking around the edges of the glass because I was paranoid it would run off.

I thought about running a couple of layers of masking tape to build it up but that is a good idea. No matter what they were still too thick. I want them super thin.
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