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Originally posted by Dario
<br />Summary:

List of people who paid:

anonymous***from IAP/yahoo

If that mysterious person on the paid list is me, I didn't mean to be anonymous. I just sometimes don't follow directions very well! [:I] I didn't realize you wanted everyone to post their orders here. (It is nice to know though that you can keep a secret! Lol.)
Anyway, if that "anon" person isn't me, then I hope you did get my payment.
Thanks so much again for doing this for all of us!

Laguna Beach, CA
Dario - The check, ah, er, money order is in the mail. As a matter of fact, the pony rider with the mule just picked it up from my mail box.[:)] My order was for two of the gold Emperor kits plus the drill, bearings, extra tubes, etc. By the way, do you know of a good source for Jackalope antlers. I want to make some Jackalope antler pens. [:D]

I think I may have a couple Jackalope antlers here LOL. By the way your order was for bushings not bearings [}:)] LOL and One 22K RB and one Blk TN RB.

I double checked your order and it is 1-22K RB, 1-Blk TN Rb, bushing and bits.

I did make a mistake on my invoice and said 2-22K RB but the calculation was for your original order. Hope this clarifies things.
I could use bearings sets for two Jet Mini Lathes! Do you happen to have them in stock?


List of people who paid:

Ron in Drums PA
GregMuller - pending eCheck

Total ordered is 120 kits...below is the summary breakdown.

Emperor (70)
29 - 22K Rollerball
14 - 22K Fountain Pen
17 - Black TN Rollerball
10 - Black TN Fountain Pen
02 - Accessory kit (bushings and bits)
11 - Bushing
05 - 37/64" Drill Bit
05 - Tubes

Jr Gent II (2)
01 - Titanium Rollerball (w/ threaded end cap)
01 - Black TN Rollerball (w/ threaded end cap)
01 - Accessory kit (bushings and bits)

Jr Statesman II (13)
07 - 22K Rollerball
04 - 22K Fountain Pen
02 - Black TN Fountain Pen

Jr Gent (18)
07 - Platinum Rollerball (all w/ threaded end cap)
02 - Platinum Fountain Pen (all w/ threaded end cap)
07 - Titanium Rollerball (all w/ threaded end cap)
02 - Titanium Fountain Pen (all w/ threaded end cap)

Jr Statesman (8)
08 - Black TN Rollerball

Gentleman (Full size) (5)
04 - Rhodium Rollerball
01 - Rhodium Fountain Pen
01 - Bushing

Statesman (Full size) (4)
02 - 22K Statesman Fountain Pen
01 - 22k States Full size Rollerball
01 - Black TI States Full size Fountain Pen
01 - bushings 050-4035

01 - Red aniline dye alcohol based (pre-mixed)
01 - Yellow aniline dye alcohol based (pre-mixed)

Thank you all...I will withdraw the money from Paypal now and hope to have it available by Monday so I can order at that time.

I sent an email to Nils and asked if he can have the order/list checked for "availability"...we don't want any surprises as much as possible.

I will post updates here.

Thank you guys!!!
WOW!!! 6 kits in all the variations [xx(] I sure hope none of the packages come unstapled. I got my order yesterday from CSUSA and two different kits came unstapled. Took me some time to sort out which kits were which. (They only put the part number label on one package on mine and stapled the rest together)
Update from Nils,

"...There were a few backorders and cancelled items. The Emperor tubes are on backorder and, although we expected them in by now, they may be another two weeks or so. Also, the Platinum Jr. Gent Rollerballs are only available with threaded caps, so I had to change the 3 smooth to threaded. We are sold out of the 22k Jr. Statesman Fountain Pens. 5 Were ordered from your list so we'll have to cancel those...."


You are the one affected by the 5 22K Jr Statesman II, please let me know what you want to do...either order something else or whatever. If I don't hear from you, I will refund that portion of your money.

The 3 threaded PL Jr Gent RB's are also yours...I will order the threaded if I don't hear from you. Otherwise just let me know what you want to do.

I will also email this post to you once done.


One word..."organization".

If not, this could be hellish. Not easy to do this, but a bit exhilirating [}:)]

I do hope that the packages will come intact and labelled else, it will take much longer before I can ship out.

Your order is revised as shown on the summary above. In lieu of 1 Jr Gents and 5 Jr Statesman, you will get 4 Full size Statesman, a set of bushing and a pen blank.

Happy now? [;)][}:)]
A few things I did wrong on this group buy...

1. I forgot to factor in the insurance when shipping from CSUSA to me (cost $15.00). Shipping is free but not insurance.

2. Got careless on the spreadsheet and copied the formula for Jr. Statesman II (25% discount) from the Jr Statesman (30% discount)... as a result I am short by 5% on all Jr Statesman II orders.

Lessons that will cost me and being shared so the next one may avoid committing the same mistake later.
That's not right. I didn't buy any Jr. Statesman II but what if I buy a second Chef's special? That could help with your insurance fee.[:D]

If you need more blanks I am here...BUT please do not buy to offset my lost, it will not be fair to you. I made the mistake, I own it.

As always, you try to help beyond anyone can ask for...I do appreciate the thought and I thank you. [:)]
You know me just the chance of gently taring into one of your boxes and singing out in joy is well worth the assist![:D]
Update...I called CSUSA today to check ETA and I was told that it was originally expected to deliver today but due to the weather it won't reach me until Monday. Package is still at Mesquite, Texas as of noon today.

In a way it is a blessing since I will be out of town (again) this weekend. Don't wnat a $3,200 package left unattended on my front porch. I doubt they will leave it though since it is insured.

Looking forward Monday already [:D]
The kits are in!!!

One thing I noticed...I cannot put more than 4 Emperor kits in a flat rate envelope!!!

They are boxed and each is approximately 13/16" x 4-1/2" x 6-3/4". I will try to pack them in the flat rate envelope if I can.

For those who will receive theirs in a box...I will leave it up to you if you wish to send me the shipping difference. As I posted earlier I am already $30.00 dowm this group buy due to Jr. Gent/Statesman version II calculation error and the $15.00+ insurance. Much as I wanted to help...I don't want to loose too much money on this too.

Kudos to Nils! As complicated as the order is, he got it down perfectly (as far as I can tell). Some may ship tomorrow but sorting this order looks more work than I anticipated and may take more than one night. Thanks Nils!!!

Sharpen those tools 'coz they are coming your way soon!!!
Once again thanks to for takeing the time to do this and you should not be loseing money on this. If my order cost any more then I sent please let me know and I will send you the difference.
Greg Muller
Step on the boxes to make them fit. The Rhodium is supposed to be a durable finish anyway.[:D] In all honesty, I would prefer mine in the boxes. I have ordered two, but if I need to send more postage for you, I will gladly do it.

Also glad to read the kits are in. I stare daily at my CSUSA catalog just waiting to hold one of these.
Don't sweat it guys, except for 3 orders all did fit in the envelopes (in their own boxes too). One was originally to be shipped in a box anyway so only 2 got bumped up.

I wouldn't take them off their boxes...they look pretty that way. Can't even make myself put tape on them! [;)]...you'll see what I mean when you receive your packages.

All are packed but since I finished at 2am...I decided to do the shipping labels for later. Two orders will go out today, one due to a request the other because I don't have to print the label [:D].

After mailing this tomorrow...then I can stop and inspect the kits. You may not believe it but I haven't opened mine yet. [:p]
Dario, if you haven't put mine in the mail already, don't. I'll just pick them up when I see you. You can make up the difference in cost in blanks when I get there. [:D] Sound like a plan?

Sounds good! Just tell me when are you planning to be here? I will be out of town most of next 2 weeks but will be coming by once in a while. Maybe we can work a schedule. I will surely be here by the 26th.

Since you know where I live, if you time it well...you can have free reign of my entire wood collection. I won't be there to stop you [:eek:)] LOL

Unlike some...I don't have laser zappers, land mine, electricuted fence, etc. to guard them. [;)]
All packages are shipped except:

alamocdc - per request
darley - Serge please check your email, I ned some info before shipping.

Glad this is almost over [:D]...hoping now that the packages arrive safely to you all.
WHAT a shipment got to PA before AZ. Where is my postal person. HOW can they not deliver faster in 70 deg temp vs 25ft of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*chomping at the bit to open THE box in the envelope"[:D][:p]
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