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Jan 27, 2005
Drums, PA, USA.
So look what Eagle sent me


Eagle and I talked about what type of kit would work best, I'm thinking of a closed end pen.

What do you think?
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WOW! That looks like feathers (eagle feathers?)! With as detailed as that is, I'd be inclined to try a less ornamental kit, like a Cigar or a Baron/Gent/Jr. Gent.
Originally posted by GaryMGg
<br />How long is the blank from inlay end to inlay end? Is it already round? It's not drilled yet is it?


The length of the inlays is 5". It is round, but not drilled yet

Originally posted by JimGo
<br />I'd be inclined to try a less ornamental kit, like a Cigar or a Baron/Gent/Jr. Gent.

That is what we thought too.
I have to check to see if the tubes are long enough on a cigar, I'm pretty sure they're long enough on a Jr. Gent.
The BLANK will make a cigar, Ron. (I am assuming yours is the same size mine was). However, the selling price of a cigar led me to choose the Jr. Statesman.

This is, of course, between you and Eagle, but you wouldn't have posted it if all decisions were already made, would you???[8D]
Having this example "fall into my hands" with permission to use it as I see fit, I will show that the blank most probably COULD make a cigar, and a darn handsome one at that!!!

<br />

But, I still think it will be hard to price it to recover the cost of labor (in MY market - maybe NOT where you are going with it!)
As usual the craftsmanship is top notch but seems to be quite busy. Everything runs together in the middle of the blank losing the patterns due to the heavy overlapping. Sometimes less is more as is the case with the picture Ed posted. It will be nice to see it completed and with a finish though.
Originally posted by ed4copies
<br />Having this example "fall into my hands" with permission to use it as I see fit, I will show that the blank most probably COULD make a cigar, and a darn handsome one at that!!!

<br />

But, I still think it will be hard to price it to recover the cost of labor (in MY market - maybe NOT where you are going with it!)

Eagle just sent me that photo too. He did a nice job on that one too.
Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />....Eagle and I talked about what type of kit would work best, I'm thinking of a closed end pen.

What do you think?
Definately a closed end Jr Gent! With that kind of art work I wouldn't want anything, be it platinum, silver or gold, distracting from it.

I've seen segmented pens and wave pens but never anything like this. For those who know, we've got to be talking plenty of man hours to create something like that, right?

My hat's off to eagle, I never saw any of his work, I thought he was just an old grump like me that didn't like kit pens![:D]

What exactly is the purpose of this thread except to stir up trouble and muddy the waters???? You guys know that the whole Eagle thing is very controversial here at IAP and that Eagle is no longer a member here due to this controversy. What are your trying to accomplish by this thread?
Originally posted by MesquiteMan
<br />What exactly is the purpose of this thread except to stir up trouble and muddy the waters???? You guys know that the whole Eagle thing is very controversial here at IAP and that Eagle is no longer a member here due to this controversy. What are your trying to accomplish by this thread?
Oops, I plead the fifth... I just saw a blank, the likes I have not seen before and commented on it. I barely know bits and pieces of the controversy surrounding the players.

No agenda here! [:)]
Curtis, yours is the first negative post in this thread. Since when is it wrong for me to post a pen blank that someone has given me?

Of all the people on IAP, I probably had more problems with Eagle than any one else and yet he sends me a pen blank.

Eagle had no idea I was going to post this blank on IAP, I did it because I wanted some feed back.
So we can only show blanks made by IAP members? This thread has not even mentioned anything negaive about eagle....until this post. Give it a chance so our new members can see what is possible with imagination and talent.
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by MesquiteMan
<br />What exactly is the purpose of this thread except to stir up trouble and muddy the waters???? You guys know that the whole Eagle thing is very controversial here at IAP and that Eagle is no longer a member here due to this controversy. What are your trying to accomplish by this thread?
Well said Don. I joined IAP right at the end of the Eagle 'thing'. Since that time, I have been inspired to try different things because of what I have seen here or dare I say while visiting another site or two. I know I don't have the patience to ever make a blank like the one in this thread but I now know it is possible if I ever had the patience or available time to get into my shop.

Would it have been better if his first name was used instead of his handle?

I have a similar blank and have come to the conclusion that it will become a closed end Jr. Gent. That is what I made with the cross inlay blank I got from Eagle, and am very happy with how it turned out. Now, I just have to get my nerve up to drill the blank!!! [:D]
Originally posted by its_virgil
<br />... Give it a chance so our new members can see what is possible with imagination and talent.
Do a good turn daily!
I second that! I'm here to learn what I can, help others when I can and if either of those fail, just tell a joke to put a smile on someones face!

I thought these blanks were painted and just learned that they are inlays, done piece by piece! Now that's something for me to shoot for once I get my "bushing to bushing" lines nice and straight![:D]

I think your post was completely un-called for. I don't believe the TOS states that we cannot post pictures of blanks made by non-members or former members. This post was about the blank, not about Eagle and I think you should keep your personal feelings about him out of it.
OK guys, I admit I was wrong. I posted in haste and should not have. I would delete my reply but many would consider that as being chicken.

Gerry, I do not have any personal feelings about Eagle one way or another. I don't hate him or worship him and I certainly do not have any bias as a moderator one way or another.
Curtis, this post was always about the blank. Your post did not come across as unbiased. Others may not have read it that way, and if they didn't they're welcome to hammer me for it.
I do NOT see your reply as speaking about the blank.

With your reply, are you suggesting that you would like to see this topic locked.

Again, I am kindly requesting that _ALL_ replies be on topic, and that topic is the blank.

Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />
Originally posted by penhead
<br />If this topic is about the blank, please stick to conversation about the blank, and move on.

Thank you.

Excellent advice, particularly for moderators.
Curtis, thanks for being concerned about a topic which by the title alone could have been, or still be, an explosive thread. As with all of us, experiences sometimes causes us to react at times with less tact than at other instances.

As for the topic being simply about the blank, perhaps some wording could have been better thought out. General references such as friend or fellow turner would have been a better selection as opposed to using actual names considering the potential of controversy. Experience has proven this!
Jeff Brown - THIS is the type of conversation that caused some of us to enjoy TPWU. I've been one of your Mods, albeit a poor one in your words. The clearly biased tone of virtually every post by a Mod is in direct conflict with an open forum. The "keep it on topic" subterfuge is a lame attempt at closing down discussion. MANY threads go this far off topic without anything being said. Because this thread is about a controversial figure, "on topic" is being abused in order to mold the tone, intent and attitude of the members. No moderation is preferable to censoring moderation. At least in my (NEVER HUMBLE) opinion.
Even after I have as a moderator politely requested that everyone please make this topic about the blank and/or penturning, even one of the members stated that this topic was about nothing but the blank, it seems that this topic is destined to be led in a spiraling downhill turn.

I have locked this thread, and will discuss with Jeff and other moderators if there has been enough disrespect to a moderators request, or if this topic should be unlocked.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />Jeff Brown - THIS is the type of conversation that caused some of us to enjoy TPWU. I've been one of your Mods, albeit a poor one in your words. The clearly biased tone of virtually every post by a Mod is in direct conflict with an open forum. The "keep it on topic" subterfuge is a lame attempt at closing down discussion. MANY threads go this far off topic without anything being said. Because this thread is about a controversial figure, "on topic" is being abused in order to mold the tone, intent and attitude of the members. No moderation is preferable to censoring moderation. At least in my (NEVER HUMBLE) opinion.
Hi Lou - What would be "non-censoring" moderation, if a simple "keep it on topic" is not acceptable? It seems to me that ANY moderation implies SOME level of censorship.

Of course, one purpose of moderation is to control behavior, such as personal attacks. We try (and sometimes fail) at that, but beyond being referees, what IS acceptable moderation?
OK, everyone taken their shots at moderators, Jeff, rules, etc, in the other thread..??!!

When I locked the thread, it appeared to me that this thread was about to start a rapid downward spiral. I asked politely (even said please) that the thead be kept on topic. Some people read a lot more into that than was there, some even took to task the wording 'on topic'. Perhaps the wording was my fault, because I evidently thought the thread was about the first blank (with pic) that was posted.

As history proves, another thread about this thread was almost immediatley started, and most of the posts posted there are ones that at least _I_ was suspecting to be part of this thread. So in unlocking this thread now, I guess you can continure to post your parting shots in the _other_ thread, or continue posting material relevant to the original intent of this thread.

To clear the air a bit, locking the thread was NOT about censoring, or stifling the Ealge. I personally have nothing against the person, have never met him, don't even know his real name.

And, for the record, I have been doing quite a bit of segmented work lately. Looking at the blank that Ron posted made me stare at it for quite some time wondering if it was segmented or inlay, and mostly how the heck he did that. It looked like feathers to me.

If you have read this far, and still don't understand why it was locked, perhaps this link will help, maybe not.
Thank you John.

Just know that we are not taking shots...just expressing how I/we felt in hope that we all learn from it. If we don't talk about it then it will most likely keep happening. It can turn into a "rust" that will eat through IAP and we don't want that.

As I said, the this site is still my favorite and believe is the best. That is due to Jeff and moderators like you.

I would hazard to say that no one questioned/challenged the admin/moderators ...but like friend to another, I would voice out when I feel it is needed. Believe me, a true friend shouldn't stay silent.
Originally posted by Dario
<br />Thank you John.

Just know that we are not taking shots...just expressing how I/we felt in hope that we all learn from it. If we don't talk about it then it will most likely keep happening. It can turn into a "rust" that will eat through IAP and we don't want that.

As I said, the this site is still my favorite and believe is the best. That is due to Jeff and moderators like you.

I would hazard to say that no one questioned/challenged the admin/moderators ...but like friend to another, I would voice out when I feel it is needed. Believe me, a true friend shouldn't stay silent.

Quit typing my words.

John, I also do not think I was taking a shot at you -- I don't know you yet, and wouldn't disabuse you simply 'cause I didn't agree with your action.

I will know my friends; a friend will criticize me to my face. My enemies will only criticize me behind my back.
I haven't met anyone here I'm willing to do that to.

To Jeff and the moderator team:
Thank you all for unlocking this thread.

And, I know he can't post, but I'm pretty certain he is reading this, so:
Hey Eagle, how come you didn't send me one of these blanks? What am I chopped liver?!? [}:)]

Originally posted by Ron in Drums PA
<br />... I'm thinking of a closed end pen.
What do you think?

I'm thinking that hand cutting the blank with a veneer saw
will take out the smallest kerf possible.
The missing wood will be almost indistinguishable with one of those.

There was an article in Woodturning design that showes something similiar. I dont believe it has the curve Eagle's does. P. 36

If I am wrong and its not even close forgive me.
Originally posted by airrat
<br />There was an article in Woodturning design that showes something similiar. I dont believe it has the curve Eagle's does. P. 36

If I am wrong and its not even close forgive me.

Glad you noticed that.

It's basically the same technique. Eagle's just has more inlays.
so, sorry for asking such a juvenile question regarding the blank and maybe it was already fielded, but this thread was kinda hard to follow.

are those inlays on the blank done with an exacto knife or something? and are the inlays themselves just REALLY thin pieces of wood or some other material?
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They are REALLY thin inlay and they do NOT mirror on the other side of the blank. Instead every line is parallel to the last one. It's quite amazing and LOTS of work.
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