Just a heads up on the Diamond Toolholders, no, not a problem with the product. I ordered the 16mm size for use on my PM1340GT lathe with my BXA Quick Change Tool Post. In theory, the BXA #1 and #2 toolholders that go with the QCTP have a capacity for 5/8" tool shafts, which happens to correspond to the shaft size of the 16mm Diamond Toolholders. Alas, while the Diamond Toolholders are spot-on 5/8" in shaft size, out of the 12 BXA #1 and #2 toolholders I have only one would accept the Diamond Toolholder, and this after filing and sanding. I confess, all of these BXA toolholders are Chinese manufacture and all are undersized. I had to order an Aloris BXA #1 oversized toolholder, and two Dorian oversized BXA #1 toolholders for the Diamond Toolholders. Ouch! The second Dorian is for a future Diamond Toolholder acquisition to have an HSS round bit in play at all times. Lesson learned: measure the tools you are going to use with your cutting fixtures to verify truth in labeling.