Delta Mini lathe.

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Feb 22, 2005
Some one on another forum that I visit has a Delta mini lathe and is need of a bearing change. He said he thinks they still offer the bearings but is more interested in a better set if there is one out there. Has anyone changed their bearings on this lathe and if so did you use the ones marketed for it or did you step up to better bearings and if so could you supply the info so I can pass it on. If you chose to use the ones marketed for that lathe do you have that number? Thanks for any info. I do not have this lathe so can not help him.
I am in the process of changing the bearings on my old 3520 It is not a big deal, I am told, and quite easy. The owners manual or local dealer should be a help. Bearings are pretty standard so I would not worry about that-=- just get a set from a local parts shop. Be sure to check the outside shaft nut for proper torque Before You do ANYTHING~~~!!! p
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