Activities Manager Emeritus
Originally posted by edman2
<br />Dear Santa,
I just can't take it any more! All this talk about ph pen vises and how good they are. My request is really simple. I'll keep it short (some of these letter writers would make good preachers they are so long winded).
Since I am so advanced in age and since Paul told me that I was number 96 on his list for a vice, I have begun to fear that I might die or be too old to turn by the time I get my vice. So Santa, since you are good at miracles, what I would like is for you to make it possible for all the other people on Paul's list to volunteer to step aside so my name can come to the top of the list. See, that's really simple. All I really want for Christmas is my PhDesigns pen vise. Thanks Santa. (I'm not sure what you will use to persuade the others to step aside but I have confidence in you). GO SANTA!!
Your miracle believin' pal,
Ah, Freddie, we are never too old for a vice or two. [