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Mine stopped by today, but all I got was this little card from the postal person saying NANNY NANNY BOO BOO we have your package and going to tease you. For once they came by in the morning instead of afternoon. BAH!!! Will have to go pick it up tomorrow.
Recieved mine today,it was here yesterday but did not get to post office in time. Many thanks to Mike for this bulk buy.
Yea, it really sucks when they only put labels on the top bag and staple the rest to that bag, or just pack 20 kits of the same into a bag and put a single label on that bag. The last few orders I have made all came that way. Also wierd is that one Statesman kit came in boxes, but the rest did not. The last group buy that Penworks did, all the Statesman pens came in boxes.

What is even more confusing is that the base kits on the Jr Gents have a different part number than the catalog. You then add the appropriate end cap part number, and those two together form the catalog part number. It's really oddd looking for 4175 Jr pens and only finding 2387 labels or something. You have to pay close attention to the packing slip to figure out which numbers apply to some.

Also, if anyone bought some gold ti Jr Gents and is missing a posting end cap (threaded) let me know. I think I may have shipped one pen without the end cap as I have an extra. May have been shipped an extra, but I want to be sure.
Nils hate to say it but your shipping department is getting either Lazy or Cheap. IMO if it is to save a dime its poor customer service penny pinch and stop labeling.

However, in todays business world its not about the customer anymore it seems. Even Southwest airlines which is now run by a "bean counter" its all about the numbers. How he can do more with less. Even if it takes away from customer service.
Guys, Craft Supplies let me know that It may be several more weeks before the rest of the pens ship. I will be shipping out what I have to everyone in the next 24 hours so you can all get going on the kits you will have.

It's too bad some screwed up threads are to blame for 60+ kits not being able to be sent to you guys.[:(]


You can hold mine until everything comes in and avoid double shipping.

Larry aka WoodDreams
Mikey- received your care package today-
3 Emperor FP
3 Emperor RB
8 Rho-22k Jr Statesman VII Rollerball
2 sets of Jr series bushings

Thanks much- remember to send me an amount for the shipping on the second package, once you've received the Jr Gents and the Emperor bushings

Just wanted to let everyone know some good and bad news. I called CSUSA and they have infoormed me that the kits backordered will be in after the first week in April instead of the end of March as they had told me at first. The good news is that nearly everything is supposed to be in at once, so everyone will get all their stuff at once.

If anyone still has any questions, PM me for more details.
Hello Mikey,

Recieved my partial last week, forgot to respond and I apologize. Let me know what the postage on the second mailing will be and I will get that to you.

Hey, sorry I haven't been on the board much lately or checked my e-mail. (installed new stuff in bathroom and now digging up backyard and putting in patio) Anyway, CSUSA has sent me tracking numbers for two packages. One is due on the 18th and the other the 19th. I don't know how much each package will have, but I'm hoping it's the majority of all our stuff.
Hey guys, it looks like I have everything that we've been waiting for. I will try to get most things out today if possible. I think here are about 13 of you that still have stuff coming to them.
OK, these people now have packages coming their way:

Exotic WO

Tnilmerl also has one pen left on backorder (2326 jr Statesman) according to my packing lists. The rest of you should have everything you ordered shortly.

Mikey, thanks, recieved my package today. Please Email me, I would like to reimburs(spelling?) you for your shipping costs for this delivery.
Thanks again
Sorry to bump this back up, but according to all my records, I believe the final item backordered just showed up for Tnilmerl. If anyone else out there did not get something they ordered, please contact me via a private message/e-mail.

YEA!!! it's finally done.[8D]
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