Yea, it really sucks when they only put labels on the top bag and staple the rest to that bag, or just pack 20 kits of the same into a bag and put a single label on that bag. The last few orders I have made all came that way. Also wierd is that one Statesman kit came in boxes, but the rest did not. The last group buy that Penworks did, all the Statesman pens came in boxes.
What is even more confusing is that the base kits on the Jr Gents have a different part number than the catalog. You then add the appropriate end cap part number, and those two together form the catalog part number. It's really oddd looking for 4175 Jr pens and only finding 2387 labels or something. You have to pay close attention to the packing slip to figure out which numbers apply to some.
Also, if anyone bought some gold ti Jr Gents and is missing a posting end cap (threaded) let me know. I think I may have shipped one pen without the end cap as I have an extra. May have been shipped an extra, but I want to be sure.