Hope you don`t mind if I get back to work now . Will need some hot peppered liquid to let me deal with the 2 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow ( not much , but sitting on top of a couple feet of hard drift coupled with a 30 mph breeze my driveway will be drifted shut again) . Wish you were here .
CLASSIC NIB and MYSELF would like to ACKNOWLEDGE the MAMMOTH effort that was put in on this contest. We feel there should be 2 WINNERS, as the correct answer was posted within seconds of each other.
Consequently there will be 2 prizes, unfortunately there is only one Thermometer available so the other prize will be a $50.00 credit Certificate with CLASSIC NIB. Thank you Roy & Dee.
1080Wayne and Lyonsacc are the two winners and the first one to checkin may select the prize of their choice.
PRIZE 1. The Slate Thermometer, PRIZE 2. $50.00 Credit Certificate with Classic Nib.
Thank you everyone, we had 300 posts for the day. Bob.
Congratulations Lyonsacc, You have won the Slate Thermometer for today and Congratulations to 1080Wayne for winning the $50.00 Credit Certificate from Classic Nib.
A SPECIAL thanks to CLASSIC NIB for donating the extra prize. Thank you so much.