Group Buy Coordinator
I'm including a copy of the instructions in everyone's box.Got mine today, everything correct in order. Thanks again Mannie for doing the group buy.
I'm trying to figure out instructions from Woodcraft site which shows how to replace broken wire. There's a hole in the long arm of slicer. Is the set screw supposed to go thru handle into this hole? Or do you just tension the wire and tighten the set screw wherever it ends up? Thanks, Jeff
Correction, the hole is in the short arm of the slicer. I must be dumb, it looks so simple to go together or are my wires too short?
Start the long arm in the 1/4" hole you drilled. When you reach the slot you cut, slip the end of the wire in the slot and around the arm and push the arm the rest of the way in. Now take the end of the wire with the handle and put it on the short arm. Twist it outward to tension the wire, then use the enclosed screws to screw the handle to the arm. The screw will go through the hole in the handle and into the hole in the arm, this will keep the wire taught.
Here are the plans from Cheesewood slicers: If you want a better /clearer plan, send me you e-mails address. The plans are much better if e-mailed
I was able to get a few more boxes ready for shipping today. Could only get about 100 of the slicers packed because the screws were missing from one box. Hopefully I'll get the replacement screws and the last batch of 100 chrome slicers by the end of this week.
The following will be shipped when the rest of the slicers and replacement screws come in:
Monty - 20 chrome
BackyardSmokin - 20 chrome 5 black if there
bean_counter - 25 chrome, 10 black
micharms - 10 chrome, 5 black
edohmann - 5 chrome
Neil - 12 chrome, 12 black
beck3906 - 20 chrome 15 black
Rudya7 - 20 chrome 10 black
DocHoliday - 6 chrome 4 black
Drewboy22 - 5 chrome 5 black