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Now I know for sure there are more of you out there who have cards and have not sent them. Yes, THIS includes a couple "big dogs". Now I have not mentioned names(yet) but E and C, I'm sure you know you have not parrticipated yet. How about proving me wrong about something and getting a card in the dang mail.
With 4 more today, the new total is 83. Still missing some prominent turners. But you don't have to send a card if you don't want to participate. I really thought I was in trouble with the $1 a head but there is still a week and about 6000 of you who haven't sent so maybe I'm not outta the woods yet.
Disappointing day, only 1 card. Total is now 84 as I had to remove one who was listed twice. Only got til Sat. Come on and let's make it a c note for the IAP. They need help since they are overworked deleting my "political" remarks. Well, there goes the 1st ammendment, what's next?
Thanks for doing this. My card went into the mail this morning.
Hope it reaches you half way across the country by Saturday.
Do postmark dates count? (haha)

I don't know how I missed this earlier with as much time as I spend here reading, but I will send you my card. TODAY!!!!!
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