Call me the "Mandrel Bender " :-)

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It's funny you say that. I rolled my mandrel on a flat surface and it is not more bent then the brand new 1/4" steel rod that I bought from Lowes. I order another mandrel from PSI which hasn't arrived yet. I will try the same.

I wonder if the problem is with the locking nuts holding the mandrel rod.

Anyway, I turned a coffee bean pen tonight and all was fine (other then the darn beans falling out). I took my time, went really light with the tools, sharpened the carbide blades on a Smith diamond stone (great advice from Oldman50), and only turned one barrel at a time. I could have built a rocket ship in less time.

All of the advice I receive achieved better results!

Thank you.
South Carlina

Come on over to South Carolina Tony. I will show you how I turn pens with a pen mandrel and mandrel saver. I used to live in Roswell off Post Oak Tritt near the Cobb/Fulton Country line (ESL).

Glad to help.


Thank you and would love to come. I did get some in-person tutoring from some very nice (and patient) local members. I can't expect to learn in two weeks what some of these folks have learned over a years. Thats' what makes it a hobby I guess:)
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