Bubbasville Southeast Meeting - Sept. 23rd

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So far I see (not including mates):

DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce
Woodpens - Jim
Twoofakind - Andy
Me - Skye
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DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce
Woodpens - Jim
Twoofakind - Andy
Me - Skye
Mike Hare (whom we must convert)
DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce
Woodpens - Jim
Twoofakind - Andy
Me - Skye
Mike Hare (whom we must convert)
Jem and/or Steven (see above)
DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce
Woodpens - Jim
Twoofakind - Andy
Andy's nephew - Brybba
Me - Skye
Mike Hare (whom we must convert)
Jem and/or Steven (see above)
DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce
Woodpens - Jim
Twoofakind - Andy
Andy's nephew - Brybba
Me - Skye
Mike Hare (whom we must convert)
Jem and/or Steven (see above)
Fiferb - Bruce

How many have mates coming?
WOW. This looks like it's going to be a GREAT gathering. Let's see now....If I jump in the truck and head east....
I look forward to some pictures.[:D]
Hey guys, havent checked the thread in a while, but I will be there for sure, and my wife will be there as well. We are going to be down at the Redmond thing until 12:00 or 1:00 and then head up. Mike Hare is part of the Peachstate Turners Club, which I am proudly a member of as well! Do we need to bring some eats? I have a mini lathe, but not sure if you guys want me to bring that type of stuff? Anyone want to trade blanks? I will bring a bucket of them if someone else has some stuff to trade......
DocStram - Al
Oscar15 - Dave
Steve542 - Steve
Bonefish - Robert + spouse
Chigdon - Chris
Orgtech - Bruce
Underdog - Jim
BtBoone - Bruce + spouse
Woodpens - Jim + spouse
Twoofakind - Andy
Andy's nephew - Brybba
Me - Skye + spouse
Mike Hare (whom we must convert)
Jem and/or Steven (see above) + spouse
Fiferb - Bruce
Rojo + Spouse

I'm going to nab some snacks, Bruce said to just bring some if we want some. I'm going to need a full-on meal at some point, so I may eat lunch before we show. I'm bringing my lathe, a few tools, that's about it. Just incase.

So, we're looking at about 23 people so far? Wow! We're gonna need freakin namtags, lol
Originally posted by Rojo22
<br />Hey guys, havent checked the thread in a while, but I will be there for sure, and my wife will be there as well. We are going to be down at the Redmond thing until 12:00 or 1:00 and then head up. Mike Hare is part of the Peachstate Turners Club, which I am proudly a member of as well! Do we need to bring some eats? I have a mini lathe, but not sure if you guys want me to bring that type of stuff? Anyone want to trade blanks? I will bring a bucket of them if someone else has some stuff to trade......

I am going to bring some stuff to sell/trade . . . not trying to be too obnoxious. I have been trying to do some housekeeping and this group always seems eager for bargains!
Looks like we'll have a great turnout. Steven won't make it. When arriving, some people can park in the driveway, and everyone should go around back, past the pool to the shop. There's a big dumpster in the street filled over the top with concrete and dirt. It's been an "outside" day today.

We have lunch meats and stuff for sandwiches and have a lot of snacky stuff. I have all kinds of soft drinks and other stuff to drink.
Guys, I am afraid I have to drop out. My wife, Diane, was in an accident tonight. Other than a strawberry on one arm and some bruising on the other, she is fine. My F-150, on the other hand is now L-shaped. We were both really looking forward to this meeting, so I hope we have another one before too long. This is really disappointing.
Man what an awesome time! Talking pens, seeing all the quality of the pens there, and finally meeting some of the folks who post here! My wife and I had a great time, and thanks to Bruce for all of his hospitality. We need to do this more often. Will post a few pictures that we took during the event a little later.
Wow! That was really cool Bruce. Thanks for your hospitality, and sharing your shop, cool toys, and home with us. And please thank Trish for that awesome feast she put out...

I really enjoyed talking to you all. Hope we can do it again sometime....

Oh and Jim, sorry about the accident. Glad your wife is ok... Things are replaceable, wives, and children are not...
Yeah, I brought a camera but was so sidetracked I didnt take the first shot!

Yeah Bruce, thanks for having us over, tell the wife thanks for all the food. I'm sure you'll be eating leftovers for a day or two.

It was good to be able to put faces with the names, although I suck so bad with names I'll probably have to do it a few times before it'll stick.

Got to see the flame pen, got to see some sweet rings and more importantly, the icing on the cake, the famous WalMart pen [:D]

Got to see the Italian resin pen, my first emperor in person, some laser engraving, and Chris's pens whose fit was equal to the one Bruce made on the CNC lathe. Nice pile of slimlines including a nice corncob which I picked on. Lots and lots of other stuff, hopefully someone got a lot of pics.

Luckily there was enough room in Bruce's uber-shop to hold us, could have held a dozen more I would think.

All in all a great time, wish I didnt have to leave so early.
I had a great time today meeting everyone and seeing all of the wonderful pens. Bruce thanks again for your and your wifes hospitality, you went above and beyond to make everyone feel at home. Tell Trish thanks for all of the munchies. I hope we can get together again. Thanks for all of the demonstrations as well![:D]
Oh, and a big thanks to Doc for the freebie blanks! Hopefully that mystery seller will find some more blanks in his attic for the rest of us people! [:p]
The "Flame" pen was there? OH man I should have jumped in my truck yesterday. [:(]That is a pen that I REALLY want to hold!
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