Originally posted by jeff
<br />Let's discuss.
I was out of town yesterday at Klingspor for their woodworking show.[

<b><u>If the Critiques Forum were to be resurrected as it was set up as before I would vote against it also</u></b>[^]
<b>Jeff's post said let's discuss, not let's vote so here goes.</b>For those of you who have been around for a while I started concentrating on glue ups laminations , inlays and kit mofications over a year ago.
I am not content to turn B2B pens from solid wood.Before you get your panties in a wad,I do not look down on those who make pens in that manner.<b>We all have different goals in this craft.Mine is to make pens that do not look like anyone else's.That's it pure and simple.Not to make them better, to make them DIFFERENT.</b>
Around the beginning of June 05 I wrote Jeff and suggested a forum for experimental work and suggested the "Testing Zone"
I envisioned a forum that might contain posts of blanks that we are working on.
Pens that have had components changed, added hidden what ever could be done so that he finished pen did not have the appearance the manufacturer intended.
It may also have posts that included the request for opinions of patterns or colors or material for blanks.
An example would be Mesquite mans request for input on the cactus blank,(I think it was Mesquite man)
When The Critiques forum was first instituted I immediately saw a problem.
The SOYP forum would not allow any comments other than NPGJ unless otherwise requested.
If a critique was wanted it should have gone into the Critiques forum.
The word"critiques" covers a broad spectrum.I suppose it would fill the bill for what I had in mind, but what I was thinking about was a forum that would further experimental work,get input on what direction might be taken with a design.
If you go to the discussions page the SOYP forum is described as"Let's see your best work! "
In truth it has become"LWIDT!"Look What I Did Today!"
I would suggest a new forum more in line what I suggested to Jeff over a year ago.
Here are a couple of ideas I had in mind to be included for guidelines
1The "sticky(I never read)that states the guidelines be included on the composition page for the post.It need not appear after the post is submitted.
2.the format be set up so the original poster cannot reply to subsequent posts.( the op could answer specific questions via PM if s/he chose)
3.all pictures be submitted on a neutral background with no accouterments.
4.No photo editing other than resizing."drag and drop" pictures lose definition.
If you want someone to take the time to offer their ideas(for some of us it is an effort to type) then the least you can do is post a picture of your work as it appears in real life(natural light would be nice with no shadows) for visual assessment.Don't post catalog pictures.
5.B2B pens would be allowed if the material used was not considered a "normal pen making medium"
<b>It is virtually impossible to offer a critiques on a finish and even sometimes fit is obliterated by photographic styles.</b>
A forum such as this would need very little moderation.
I do suggest a moderator or a number of moderators be named* who have the power to move any post immediately if it is suspect of not fitting in the posting guidelines
If and when the "violation" is corrected it be returned to the forum.Violations could include pictures posted with rocks shells or anything else that does not directly pertain to the subject the poster requested input on.NO EXTRANIOUS "props" other than something simple to display a pen.
<b>In short make it a forum that furthers an information exchange as stated in the mission statement for this site in this craft.</b>
BTW posting pictures is an exchange of information.[

The SYOP should be schanged to Look What I DID TOday!
The "Show us your best work" be removed from the description of SOYP
No posts other than NPGJ be allowed unless a request for comments is made.
I have about 32 more suggestions but this should be enough to get a <b>discussion </b>started as <b>Jeff suggested in his original post</b>.
edit in I wrote"named" But I wonder if anonymous moderators
appointed by Jeff wouldn't be a good idea.I have always felt that a moderator should be a"voice" rom above and not tied in with any individualThis was an individual would be able to post a a regular member and no other members would have need to worry as to how they might post a comment.The moderators postition always seems to carry some type of"power" whther implied or real.