Bring Back Critiques Forum?

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it was interesting for me to finally read some of the "banter" between some of the members. being a fairly new member, i'd been reading all these posts about why things have progressed the way they have and didn't quite understand until now. thanks jeff for posting some examples.

i don't really feel the critiques forum is necessary. like countless others have already said, if you want honest critical feedback, ask for it and follow above guidelines for dealing with it. you can try and come up with rules/regulations all day long for a new critiques forum, but let's be honest, the same things are going to happen again and again. maybe not at first, but after a while, ugly heads will rear again. all of this is human nature... and none of us should be the least bit surprised that these things happen.

reading that old post with eagle and tim reminded me of patrick roy and dominic hasek when they were both on ESPN being interviewed together and they just bashed back and forth, back and forth. from what i've seen, two of the best pen turners around just getting into the heat of competition. nothing wrong with it, but this probably isn't the place for it. it wouldn't bother me, but it does seem a tad counter-productive. maybe when two members get into it like this, we just set up a steel cage with two lathes and see who comes out with the best pen... [:D]
Not to beat a dead horse, but I was spending some more time in the old critiques forum.
Found this: amongst some other gems in there. <b>There's a gold-mine of talent locked up in here</b>.
If this is not to be resurrected, the photos ought to be pulled up and put into a unified body of work for the benefit of all who wish to enhance their skills.

I'm going back for more. See ya, [:p][:D][:D]
gary, thanks for that link, there are some great pens coming from those guys.

if i may change directions for a minute, does anyone know how you do one of those custom end piece like on this pen:

do you cut a tenon to fit where the normal end piece fits or cut a hole to go over the original end piece or what? that is a very nice look...
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />So, since I am a (dang I hope I get this right) self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing biased ranting elitist, I don't think I should be eligible to comment on the subject of a critique forum. Heck, I probably should wear a Haz-Mat suit to protect those around me.

Cav, there's an acronymn for that... RATBASTAGE (that is a short G {as are both G's in George} for those who may be confused). [}:)][:p]

So does that make you, me and Gerry the RAT pack?[:D]
Damn, just checked another thread, and I have to work into my description that I can't spell Nelsen! Let's see, I think I am a poor spelling self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing teal makes me puke biased ranting elitist. Cripes, I forgot to work camera owning in there somewhere!!!!! Billy, another acronym, quickly!! Rats, Grandpa Billy is probably in bed, fellow elitist Gerry, can you help? [:D]
Originally posted by ahoiberg
<br /> you cut a tenon to fit where the normal end piece fits or cut a hole to go over the original end piece or what? that is a very nice look...

I BELIEVE that was done by simply creating a wooden replacement for the standard slimline finial, but a quick E-mail to Mike will probably get the correct answer.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Damn, just checked another thread, and I have to work into my description that I can't spell Nelsen! Let's see, I think I am a poor spelling self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing teal makes me puke biased ranting elitist. Cripes, I forgot to work camera owning in there somewhere!!!!! Billy, another acronym, quickly!! Rats, Grandpa Billy is probably in bed, fellow elitist Gerry, can you help? [:D]

Sorry, but I was off making a pen. How about paparazzi? That sounds pretty elitist to me.[:D]
Originally posted by ahoiberg
<br />gary, thanks for that link, there are some great pens coming from those guys.

if i may change directions for a minute, does anyone know how you do one of those custom end piece like on this pen:

do you cut a tenon to fit where the normal end piece fits or cut a hole to go over the original end piece or what? that is a very nice look...

Holy cow, 1:00 AM -- how the heck did it get to be so late?!? Oh yeah, I've been perusing that old forum. What a body of knowledge. And, here's the answer to your question:

I would be for this if everyone could critique in a positive way. Sort of like Paula on American Idol. I don't post every pen I make and don't put every pen I make in my album. In critiquing my own work, I am brutally honest with myself. Sometimes to the point of busting up the wood or acrylic tubes.[V] If the finish has a cloud in it, you best not be standing nearby, as there will be pieces flying.[V] So, if a pen makes it past me onto the SOYP forum, it has probably came dangerously close to being destroyed.

I probably could not critique others work in a negative way as I would be brutally honest as to how I see it. Not that I make great pens, it's just I've been through many years of art and architecture classes and see things one way and others may see it another way. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. I've looked at some pens on the SOYP forum and thought, Wow, I wish I could do that. Other times, and not often, I've thought, should have saved that for the ugliest pen contest.

Maybe each pen posted on that type of forum should have a grading poll type system where we just grade the pen, and then if we have something to offer, we can reply. Every pen could be graded 1 - 10. If you gave a bad grade, you have the option of replying as to what you did not like about the pen.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Damn, just checked another thread, and I have to work into my description that I can't spell Nelsen! Let's see, I think I am a poor spelling self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing teal makes me puke biased ranting elitist. Cripes, I forgot to work camera owning in there somewhere!!!!! Billy, another acronym, quickly!! Rats, Grandpa Billy is probably in bed, fellow elitist Gerry, can you help? [:D]

Just saw this... and yes I had already gone to bed... but, "Grandpa" Billy? Sheesh, Cav! Okay, so I am a grandfather of 10, but I was at age 50 so I guess that makes me the youngest grandfather of 10. At least concerning anyone I know. And I ain't even 52 yet! [;)] Anyway, no new acronymn is necessary, Cav. I think RATBASTAGE fits us. But to make Gerry happy (how else can we be a PACK?) how 'bout RATPACKSTAGE? Or maybe PACKRATSTAGE? [:p] No, I'll stick to the first... it's more elitest.[}:)]
Originally posted by Tanner
<br />I would be for this if everyone could critique in a positive way. Sort of like Paula on American Idol.

I think I would have to respectfully disagree here. In order for feedback to truly be constructive, it needs to be balanced. Not jsut all cookies and cream. I taught an instructor course for about 5 years and if I'd given all of my students only positive feedback, they would not have learned the lessons necessary to become effective instructors. Yes, we would need to draw attention to what the turner did right, but equal attention should be placed on what he or she did less adequately. Otherwise it is just as useless as the feedback Paula gives. She dances around the issues and refuses to take a stance if there is a negative. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her at all. I just don't think she gives truly constructive feedback. In contrast, Simon is almost completely negative so she balances him out. But for "everyone" to only provide positive feedback, as you suggest, would be no more effective than NPGJ. JMNSHO
She says negative things sometimes, along with what she likes with a performance. Paula's pen critique would be something like this. I have to agree with Randy, I don't like the shape of your pen, however the choice of kit and your fit is awesome.

A grading poll on every pen would work well in my opinion.
Originally posted by jeff
<br />And here's a good example of why the Critiques forum was closed.

Please note, I'm not picking on Eagle here. It takes two to tango, and both parties in that altercation were guilty of personal attacks.

Boy I go away for a few months, and now I am being used as example of how not to behave. [:)]
Oh, and for what it's worth...I still think the critique forum isn't needed. Just post it up somewhere on the site, and ask for some brutally honest feedback. Pretty simple if you ask me.
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