Uhhh, could y'all stop talking in code and get back on topic?!?!?
Or am I gonna have to critique your posts? [}
Or am I gonna have to critique your posts? [}
when two members get into it like this, we just set up a steel cage with two lathes and see who comes out with the best pen... []
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />So, since I am a (dang I hope I get this right) self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing biased ranting elitist, I don't think I should be eligible to comment on the subject of a critique forum. Heck, I probably should wear a Haz-Mat suit to protect those around me.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />...intelligent appearing...
Originally posted by ahoiberg
<br /> you cut a tenon to fit where the normal end piece fits or cut a hole to go over the original end piece or what? that is a very nice look...
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Damn, just checked another thread, and I have to work into my description that I can't spell Nelsen! Let's see, I think I am a poor spelling self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing teal makes me puke biased ranting elitist. Cripes, I forgot to work camera owning in there somewhere!!!!! Billy, another acronym, quickly!! Rats, Grandpa Billy is probably in bed, fellow elitist Gerry, can you help? []
Originally posted by alamocdc
<br />
So does that make you, me and Gerry the RAT pack?[]
Originally posted by ahoiberg
<br />gary, thanks for that link, there are some great pens coming from those guys.
if i may change directions for a minute, does anyone know how you do one of those custom end piece like on this pen:
do you cut a tenon to fit where the normal end piece fits or cut a hole to go over the original end piece or what? that is a very nice look...
Originally posted by JimGo
<br />Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />...intelligent appearing...
Cav, as long as you're amending your description, you can leave that part out.
(just kidding!!!!!)
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Damn, just checked another thread, and I have to work into my description that I can't spell Nelsen! Let's see, I think I am a poor spelling self-incriminating provincial thinking intelligent appearing teal makes me puke biased ranting elitist. Cripes, I forgot to work camera owning in there somewhere!!!!! Billy, another acronym, quickly!! Rats, Grandpa Billy is probably in bed, fellow elitist Gerry, can you help? []
Originally posted by Tanner
<br />I would be for this if everyone could critique in a positive way. Sort of like Paula on American Idol.
Originally posted by jeff
<br />And here's a good example of why the Critiques forum was closed.
Please note, I'm not picking on Eagle here. It takes two to tango, and both parties in that altercation were guilty of personal attacks.