Black fountain pen kit with black nib

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Dec 28, 2020
I'm looking for a black fountain pen kit with a black nib. Preferably, the seller is from Europe, but this is not a necessary condition.
Does anyone know?
Maybe a kit that fits the Bock (or similar) nib?
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Mikolaj, you could check out
They do a black titanium Mistral fountain pen kit.
also Bock nibs but don't know about black ones.
You could e=mail Phil and ask.....he's very helpful.
Sorry, I don't know what Phil is talking about. Could you please explain it to me?

Phil is the owner of the "Beaufort Ink" company ..... his full name is Philip Dart ..... everyone here just calls him "Phil" and we all know the meaning.

He is a very helpful person and would probably be able to help you.

I would think that he could even get a black nib for you, so I would advise you to ask him for a black nib.

Phil takes great pride in providing quality products for his customers.
Thanks Vic!
So I will try to buy the kit and nib separately and try to make a black fountain pen. I have an idea for a great photo ;)
Beaufort Ink sells also a Bock "black lacquer" nib. Here:
Maybe you could ask Phil Dart to swap the standard nib with a black one + you pay the difference?
As for Bock nibs, you can also find them in Europe. The shop is "Writing, Turning, Flipping" in Germany.
Here you could pick either a red or a black nib: https://www.writingturningflipping....115_bock-feder-250-triple-stahl-lackiert.html
But the nibs here are Bock 250 or Nr #6 nibs, that is larger ones. They can't fit a Beaufort Ink Mistral pen kit. The latter needs a Bock 180 or Nr #5 nib, as the one you can find in the Beaufort Ink website above.
Maybe another option with a Churchill pen kit. This way you could purchase kit + nib (a Nr 6) in Europe, from the same vendor.
The Churchill kit (called "Lord" by this European vendor): https://www.writingturningflipping....04_bausatz-fuellfederhalter-16as-lord-ss.html
As for the Nr 6 nib: https://www.writingturningflipping....115_bock-feder-250-triple-stahl-lackiert.html

Cheaper Churchill kits (either Chrome or Sterling Silver plating) here for example:

I hope you are not in a hurry for either Beaufort Ink or the German vendor are closed for holidays. But if you order from the German shop, before 12/31, you'll pay but half the shipping cost.
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