Bits Bits and more Bits

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Mar 30, 2021
Washington State
I needed metric drill bits for my pen kits. Never needed a metric set before. Thanks to one of the threads I found and everyone basically stating the same brand, I bought this fancy drill bit set. They are so nice and pretty, if that is even possible. A huge step above my regular Milwaukee bits for sure.

Once again this group has helped me out.


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You probably paid a little more than you wanted but you got a great set of bits that will last a lifetime. Yes you will need to sharpen at times but will hold the edge just fine.
You probably paid a little more than you wanted but you got a great set of bits that will last a lifetime. Yes you will need to sharpen at times but will hold the edge just fine.
I did pay more then I wanted. Took a bit to hit the purchase button. I didn't buy the super expensive ones. I think these are middle of the road. Called Black and Gold or Gold and Black, something like that. Now that I have them, I am happy I did. If this helps with blowout, then why not.
Thanks Ken. It was not easy spending that much on some drill bits. But from other posts I read, everyone says they are the best and worth it. So I have joined the herd.
I am very selfish with mine :rolleyes: My sons get to use the cheapies I have, LOL they don't even know about my private stock.
Now you need to get 10.2, 10.5, 11, 11.2, 12, 12.2, 12.5, 13.2 mm bits and you will be all set. There are some kits which require the 10.5 and 12.5, and all of them which end in .2 are the drills for the .8 triple start taps used for kitless pens. There are a couple of other sizes which I do not have memorized for the Bock and Jowo nibs.
Nice looking set. Use cheap ones for general hole drilling duties and keep those , as Ken said , for best use.
Now you need to get 10.2, 10.5, 11, 11.2, 12, 12.2, 12.5, 13.2 mm bits and you will be all set. There are some kits which require the 10.5 and 12.5, and all of them which end in .2 are the drills for the .8 triple start taps used for kitless pens. There are a couple of other sizes which I do not have memorized for the Bock and Jowo nibs.
You are killing me. There are more to buy! I can't even look at what those cost.
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