Best ice cream?

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You beat me to it. Blue Bell Ice Cream from the little creamery in Brenham Texas... where the cows think it's heaven!

There really is on no better ice cream than this. Now I must go get a bowl. Thanks a lot for screwing over my diet with the inclusion of this thread!

Parson, I am gonna do you better. OK when we lived in Houston my wife used to live on a street three streets over form Montrose, there was a Ice cream shop on Montrose I gotta ask her it's name that had the best Dark black Cherry ice cream and we used to get it in waffle cone. Now she has a better memory than I have, so I'll get you the name and you can check it out. I think you can break your diet with that and not feel any remorse.
Look at them Texans drooling over Bluebell ice cream.
Now, we advertise for these ice cream guys for free here.and gave a nice poll, I suggest someone close to Brenham, TX take a copy of this thread to Bluebell and ask them to donate big to IAP.
Honest the God free advertising by participation in IAP forum. Or, free ice cream for a year tothose who particiapted. It's all for good cause.

what say you? who would be the man/woman?
I side with those who voted for the hand cranked homemade ice cream, not just for the great taste, but the memories that it brings back also. Cranking on that White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer until your arm nearly fell off and then enjoying the fruits of your labor. But since we don't seem to do that anymore, I would have to vote in this modern era for Ashby's Amaretto Cherry with the real cherry pieces and large chunks of chocolate. Yum.
In the early 90's I was living in Guangzhou China. I was at the Deli in the China Hotel with some company visitors and one was looking at the "San Fransisco Ice Cream" in the freezer and asked it that was any good. There was another American lady standing next to us and said "That depends on how long you've been here". That pretty much sum'd it up.
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