Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???

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Apr 5, 2009
Man i can not wait for the new season to start. After last year, The Dallas Cowboys are DUE!

Romo got rid of the dead weight attached to his p&@!s! They have a solid defense, A good recieving core, decent backfield offensively, and decent special teams. Oughtta be a good year!!

On a side note, If Michael Vick gets reinstated, i will have a new favorite team to root AGAINST!!! What a loser that guy is. If i was the commish, i would tell him that he could play football only after about a gazillion hours of community service cleaning sick dog's cages, and consoling young kids after their dog dies. All supervised naturally.
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Can't wait for College Football, myself.

ROLL TIDE!!!! (with apologies to by daughter, whe is starting her 2nd year at Auburn.)
Just can't wait, after this season it will be Tebow 2-0 Bradford 0-2 aginst each other after the BCS championship game in 2010.
What do you mean? The season's been going strong for weeks now...:wink:

Go Blue Bombers!!

(oh, you probably mean the overpaid players in the NFL! :)) You know what they say about Canadian football right?


Our balls are bigger! (Hey, I didn't make up the slogan!) :biggrin:
What do you mean? The season's been going strong for weeks now...:wink:

Go Blue Bombers!!

(oh, you probably mean the overpaid players in the NFL! :)) You know what they say about Canadian football right?


Our balls are bigger! (Hey, I didn't make up the slogan!) :biggrin:

My fear is that Vick will find a home with Da Boys. Jones has done some pretty stupid thing---but it's his money.
I hope not, but we must remember that no matter what we think of him he has according to our Justice system paid his dept to society and most likely will be reinstated. I hope no team picks him up but we have the Al Davises to contend with who do strange things (you've seen their draft the last few years). I for one think his sentence was way to soft and he should never pick up a football again for pay but sadly he will at some level.
Anyone think VICKS will find a home again in the NFL?

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I think they should pay him the league minimum and give the rest to the ASCPA or a local shelter in the town where he plays. I think his ban should remain, but I know they will let him play again.
WOW. Canadian football season is already going?

You would think that with as cold as it gets in Canada, that your balls would be SMALLER than ours!! lol

Man, that would suck if Vick put a star on his helmet. If that happened, you think they would start him? or stay with Romo?
I've never liked Vick. Soon as he came to atlanta I started telling people he was scum. On top of that I never thought he was a good quarterback. He plays the position purly on his athleticism. He just doesn't make good choices in handling the ball. Somebody will pick him up, but they won't get the player they think they are getting.

Now for the important stuff

I for one think his sentence was way to soft and he should never pick up a football again for pay but sadly he will at some level.

But Donte Stallworth kills a human being while driving drunk and gets a 30 day suspended sentence?

I think his punishment was overly harsh compared to some of the things others in the NFL and other sports have done.

The man has paid his debt to society. Let him have his chance to proove that he deserves to be there.
Justin, that is true. His punishment was harsh compared to alot fo the things they let slide for these superstar athletes. I think their punishments should be harsher than those of regular people. I mean afterall, these are the people that our children want to be like when they grow up.

Purely from an American Pit Bull Terrier owner's point of view, his punishment was nowhere near harsh enough. I Love my dogs. I would give my life to protect them, and i am fairly certain they would return the favor. The thought of letting my dog fight for any reason makes me ill. Fighting dogs for profit makes me want to get violent.
Justin, that is true. His punishment was harsh compared to alot fo the things they let slide for these superstar athletes. I think their punishments should be harsher than those of regular people. I mean afterall, these are the people that our children want to be like when they grow up.

We'll just have to agree to disagree. He is human just like the rest of us. His punishment should be no more and no less than any other human being. Holding them to a different standard than anyone else is wrong and immoral.

Anyway..back to the original topic now...:wink:
All I know is that you dudes in Oklahoma better get your hankies ready because UT is going to run the table this year.

I too am waiting anxiously for football season to begin. I am an IHSA(illinois) football official, and I work high school football games in the Chicago Catholic League and the Catholic Grade School league on Sundays. I love all of the games, but the kids on Sunday are the most fun. The young boys look up to you and savor every piece of advice you give them. I'm hoping to get some NCAA games in a couple of years, we'll see?

Dan Heine
They are the team everyone loves to hate! You play the best game of the year whenever you are playing against the Defending Champs, and them BOYS!

And JKeith, I think OUR UT (University of Tulsa) could beat your shorthorns!! We will have our hankies handy... To help sop up all the tears of the UT fans when they fall flat! (I say this with love! Just some friendly Red River Ribbing!)

What's the best thing out of Oklahoma???

The University of Oklahoma.

What's the best thing out of Texas???

Man i can not wait for the new season to start. After last year, The Dallas Cowboys are DUE!

Romo got rid of the dead weight attached to his p&@!s! They have a solid defense, A good recieving core, decent backfield offensively, and decent special teams. Oughtta be a good year!!



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OchoStinko is going to single handedly win the superbowl for bungals this year. I heard it from his own mouth, so it must be true. Too bad we have some high school teams that can beat the bungals.
Lol I quit rooting for Ohio teams a long time ago when it comes to the pros. College is a little different in that OSU does good occasionally. Of course none of their good players ever to go an Ohio pro team but they got to follow the money I guess.
Justin, that is true. His punishment was harsh compared to alot fo the things they let slide for these superstar athletes. I think their punishments should be harsher than those of regular people. I mean afterall, these are the people that our children want to be like when they grow up.

In my opinion, any professional athlete that gets involved in ANY criminal type activity should have his contract revoked, be fired and never allowed to play again.... I know this will never happen because of the money the owners want to make, but these guys really need to be held to a higher standard because of their visibility and the examples they should be setting. It needs to be written into their contracts, if they break the law, they are fired, period.
And I thought I was the only one who felt this way.



I'm still an OILERS fan.... even if Bud took them away and renamed them... they still are and will always be the OILERS.... I was at the first TEXANS game where they beat the Cowboys.... quite a show.

Even if the new stadium is extremely uncomfortable.... I still think there was nothing wrong with the old stadium.
In my opinion, any professional athlete that gets involved in ANY criminal type activity should have his contract revoked, be fired and never allowed to play again.... I know this will never happen because of the money the owners want to make, but these guys really need to be held to a higher standard because of their visibility and the examples they should be setting. It needs to be written into their contracts, if they break the law, they are fired, period.

I've never understood this point of view. No one else in the country, and I mean no one, is held to such a standard. What is so special about pro athletes? I think people are just jealous of the money that the pros make and of their amazing physical capabilities. Otherwise, why all the hostility toward them when they break the law? They are just people, after all. I personally don't care what happens to Vick. On a human level, he broke the law, he was punished, now he's out. It happens thousands of times a day in the country. He is lucky that he has money and a ridiculous physical ability so that he can recover and have some kind of life. Most don't have that luxury. To me, the notion that someone should have their livelihood forever taken away from them for one instance of "breaking the law" is irrationally harsh.
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If you followed the thinking that if you break the law you shouldn't play pro sports, we would soon have no pro sports. Everyone breaks the law even if it just a speeding ticket. Most just don't get caught. Do we set the standard that if you do jail time then no more playing, because that just depends on how expensive your lawyer is. I work at a state prison and I personally believe that the only thing that separates the "criminals" from the officers is that one got caught and the other didn't. And yes I am taking about minor crimes since I work at a "relaxed" prison.

I believe that what Vick did was wrong but at the same time it seems that people are harsher on him then the ones that beat their girlfriends and sell dope.
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