Originally posted by rherrell
Doc, I thought you might have said it was when the North won.

Or is that just a myth?
The North won, Oh My God what will happen to us now
Fortunately Tennessee has one of the lower cost of living indexes in the U.S. My house is paid for, and I only owe around 2 grand on my daughters car, I'll get my first Social Insecurity check next month, and I already have a pension although it was severely raped by the
previous bouts of Wall Street bunglers, thieves and fund Molesters.
During the 70s gas shortage, I've seen tankers being loaded with oil in San Pedro then seen the same ships parked on the lee side of Anacappa Island, then brought back after a week or so off shore and sold as Imported oil which was bringing higher prices than domestic crude. So much for that shortage!!
I remember the 400 held hostage in Iran, and the President that virtually did nothing other than allow interest rates to climb to 18%.
What scares me about this time, our Dollar has fallen so drastically against the Metals market.
Yes I've seen gold at 850.00 per OZ and silver at 40.00 but only for a few hours, and oddly enough that too was a staged event, all for profit.
Don't get me wrong, I ain't a commie, I love our capitalistic ways, Just in case any body has been listening to the ambiguous rhetoric of the current crop of Presidential candidates you have to realize WE ARE IN TROUBLE...
As long as their is profit involved any thing goes, it's like the previous incursions on our way of life, the shortages of oil the collapse of the savings and loans, the bail out of a poorly ran auto manufacturer, the manipulation of the precious metals market, the crashing of the mutual funds markets all this stuff is all coming together in a giant Tsunami and it's going to drastically change the way we live.
The scary thing for me is I have a son a daughter and a grand son, I realize that there are places in Europe that pay around nine dollars a gallon for fuel, I realize that we still have a very pleasant life style compared to many parts of the world, But My family and I don't live there!!! we live in what used to be the epitome of places to live, with the second highest standard of living in the world, the only country that had a higher standard was Switzerland, I think it still holds that position.
It's still not bad here but give it some time, given that all these inner city folks have all these knives and forks with nothing to cut they are going to have to feed their habits and families some how.
I really don't care about the D.O.L. unemployment report, I live in a county of about 25,000 there have been over 3500 jobs lost in the past year with more layoffs in sight.
Things are so bad here I'm considering building a closer to stock engine for my Volkswagen, It cost me nearly 30 dollars to fill it up last night.
Of course now with out dumb things like a job and getting to work, a tank should last me at least a week or better since I can walk the 50 feet to my shop.
Nice part is at my age maybe I'll start forgetting things, (quicker)