Anyone want to PITH with me?

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Nov 10, 2024
I'm going to blatantly steal take inspiration from Dave and try to do a PITH. I'm relatively new to the forum and haven't participated in a PITH online or IRL (though maybe at MATE this year?).

What are the conditions you ask? They are (again, heavily inspired):

1. I'm in Virginia, so this is open to USA members within reach of standard Priority Mail from the USPS. (I agree with Dave's point. I tried sending a pen to my friend in Ontario during the Canadian postal strike and FedEx/DHL were upwards of $100. Plus import tariffs... I'd love to but it's stupid expensive :| )

2. I'd like the exchange to be completed by the end of February (that's just a bit over 3 weeks). Caveats apply if mutually agreed upon (ordering kits, blanks, emergencies, etc)

3. No real specifications on the pen itself, single tube, postable, etc. Fair warning I've never turned a fountain pen. You'll likely get a ballpoint or rollerball type pen from me.

4. I'd like to start small and do a single swap to ease myself into things. I'll swap with the first member that replies accepting the offer.

After the swap has been decided we can communicate via PM on details such as mailing address, etc and I'll update this thread that it's closed. We'll share details and pictures after the swap in this thread or a new thread in this forum.

Thanks and I can't wait to swap a pen with one of you.

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Sold to Scott (woodwzrd). That closes this PITH. Hopefully I'll do this again. I'll PM you after I get back from dinner :)
Hi Tom. I'm at my limit for this one. I encourage you to start one on your own. I'm hoping to make these a regular thing so I'll keep you in mind for next time if you're still interested.
I'm glad you are jumping into exchanges Jeff. They can be great fun.
But, just to ease any confusion for some members reading here. What you are doing is just a pen exchange, not a PITH. A PITH by its name requires multiple participants, with the exchanges being randomized.

PITH actually stands for "Pen In The Hat".
Makers would gather for a get together, and would bring a pen along with them. All of the pens would go into a hat, and each maker would pull out their prize randomly. You would have no idea who's pen you would get, or who your pen would go to. Great fun, and potentially scary, if one of the masters pulled your pen. ;)

Here we do something similar. Once all the names are gathered by the organizer, they are randomly pulled and paired to a maker. Each person is then given the name and address of the person they are sending to. But you won't know who you are receiving from until you get it. Sometimes the anticipation is incredible. Organizing one takes a little more work, you have to gather and distribute the names and addresses, but it shouldn't be too distressing.

I hope you enjoy your exchange, but please don't feel you need to "build up" to a multi person exchange. You're still only making one pen to send out.
Hi Darrin,

Thanks for the clarification. My apologies if I got anyone excited using PITH instead of exchange.

I hope you enjoy your exchange, but please don't feel you need to "build up" to a multi person exchange. You're still only making one pen to send out.

Yeah, true. But I'd like to get one or two exchanges under my belt and maybe I could help organize a true PITH.
I'm glad you are jumping into exchanges Jeff. They can be great fun.
But, just to ease any confusion for some members reading here. What you are doing is just a pen exchange, not a PITH. A PITH by its name requires multiple participants, with the exchanges being randomized.

PITH actually stands for "Pen In The Hat".
Makers would gather for a get together, and would bring a pen along with them. All of the pens would go into a hat, and each maker would pull out their prize randomly. You would have no idea who's pen you would get, or who your pen would go to. Great fun, and potentially scary, if one of the masters pulled your pen. ;)

Let me add my Thank You for clarification to Jeff's. I've misunderstood the reference ever since I joined IAP. I never could quite figure out where the Hat came into play - your explanation really gave me a "Duh!" moment.

I've thoroughly enjoyed all of the swaps I've been involved with. And, even though I didn't quite "get it", I have somewhat promoted using the PITH forum for setting up and posting about pen swaps, either group structured (PITH) or individual unstructured (????). Maybe PTP, Peer To Peer or Person To Person????? - what do you think?

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