Originally posted by Daniel
...I would try something like this on something limited until the bugs get worked out.
The way I picture this would be extremely confusing. Example:
I want to order 5 different pen kits. Four of them are popular so they reach there limit and are ordered at various but acceptable time limits. but Item 5 is not so popular and may be weeks or even months in reaching a limit. I will have to keep my funds available for this period of time. With my experience with the confusion that is involved in normal group buys. this could get truly unimaginable.
Originally posted by SuperDave
Obviously the design process needs to address the most critical components of the program. No program will be able to offer all things to all people. Unpopular kits would not fit this program and would, in most cases, be better served if purchased through traditional channels. This program is best served with the more popular items, or new item launches where inventory levels normally ramp up in a reasonable time frame.
The ability to change your orders in real-time on-line and to check the rolling inventory, allows you to maintain your commitment only as long as it meets your current circumstances. If I were in a pinch for specific kits and could not afford to wait, I would buy from traditional sources.
If I could not reserve the funds for buying the most popular kits (or new kits) at a deep discount, then I should not place the order. Bottom line is, I would have spent more money through traditional channels, so if I have the funds to buy the kits and I am not under time constraints, I order, wait and save.
We could also do an escrow account where funds are pre-paid and held pending order processing. The escrow account would secure the funds and return them if the orders were canceled.
In any event, a lot has to happen before any of us venture down this road. Any suggestions or recommendations need to be reserved for if and when we find out all the salient facts necessary to facilitate direct purchasing as a group, such as cost justification.
Let's see what happens over the next few weeks... who knows, we might see some significant price reductions in the traditional channels once they see their market share possibly threatened.