Another Simple Segmented pen

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Again thanks for the likes on this pen. I know it is an older thread but new likes have just shown up from a post recently and it is appreciated. I just noticed back in 2017 I was having back problems too when I did that pen. seems like a never ending problem and this time is the worst of all times and not getting better. With this virus so many things are still closed and the fear of going near a hospital is real. My brother's wife is a nurse and she is telling horror stories. Nj got hit hard and still seeing it. Anyway thanks again and stay safe everyone.
One question as I am new to aluminium in pens. Did you rough u0 the resurface of the aluminium before gluing to ge5 a better " key" of the glue to the metal?

Stay safe , the horror stories are sadly true.
John, since I've been away awhile that's the first time I've seen this pen. It's a thing of beauty! I've got a thing for making pens in black because of the challenge of polishing it to the point no visible scratches. I'm like you in that if you can't see them with the naked eye you've done good. Yours looks flawless!
I learned long ago there's a fine line and a light touch needed to get such a shine and I haven't even mentioned the Celtic knot. Prefection!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
One question as I am new to aluminium in pens. Did you rough u0 the resurface of the aluminium before gluing to ge5 a better " key" of the glue to the metal?

Stay safe , the horror stories are sadly true.
Yes always always roughen up any metals when gluing. I used epoxy glue as always with my segmenting pens.
John, since I've been away awhile that's the first time I've seen this pen. It's a thing of beauty! I've got a thing for making pens in black because of the challenge of polishing it to the point no visible scratches. I'm like you in that if you can't see them with the naked eye you've done good. Yours looks flawless!
I learned long ago there's a fine line and a light touch needed to get such a shine and I haven't even mentioned the Celtic knot. Prefection!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Yes there is a fine line but those that use loops and magnifiers are beyond my concept and if it works for them fine but I find naked eye and I have 20/25 vision so it passes my eye test. remember one thing when the very first person goes to use the pen it will have scratches in it from use. No way around it and I do not care what finish you use. I poish all my pens the same way and have been for over 12 years or however long I have been turning them. Thanks for the kind words and stay safe.

I use slow,setting 24 hour epoxy which makes for more adjustment but does need very safe clamping or securing. I found the faster setting stuff goes soft after about 5 years ( model radio controlled aircraft making in my youth ) . What's been your experience please ?

I use slow,setting 24 hour epoxy which makes for more adjustment but does need very safe clamping or securing. I found the faster setting stuff goes soft after about 5 years ( model radio controlled aircraft making in my youth ) . What's been your experience please ?
If you ever read any of my posts on gluing things I have always tauted my use of System3 T88 epoxy glue which is 24 hour glue but always leave an extra day or two. They do have 15 min epoxy also that I have used on occassion and been happy with. I use the T88 for all my pen tubes also. Never had a failure.
Glorious Pen, John T.
Superb Celtic Cross, In a Fantastic Black Acrylic Blank.
The Combination of the Aluminium, against the Black Is Perfect.
I love the thin Black Line where the Aluminium Section Cross,
Did you also Dye your Adhesive Black? Great Effect.
Magnificent Fit and Outstanding Finish, all Assembled, on the Ideal Chrome Sierra Vista Pen.
good to see and hear from you.
Wow still getting some comments and likes on this pen. Done awhile ago I guess it does not fall out of favor because of materials and the segmenting. Thanks again for all that liked this pen. I hope to soon be able to get back into shop and maybe show a pen or two. Still battleing the bad back but my Chiropractor is going to open on a limited basis next week so hopefully he can get me turned around and on a road to healing more quickly.
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