Another diamond example.

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Dec 24, 2017
I have been playing around with a diamond technique. This one I tried a 3 layer infill between diamonds. I have the width of the horizontal band where I want it. It's at .250. The infill is three strips at .014 glued together. Woods are red heart and goncola alves. Infill is maple and zircote. Knurl GT in chrome. Personally I think it would look better with a single color infill. Constructive criticism always welcomed.
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I understand the preference for single colour infil but I actually feel a stronger contrasting outer layer ( longer layer under the clip ) such as Holly or maybe Birch might make it look lighter?

Wonderful execution of a very challenging design by the way. I must get some GT kits to try out. Currently making T light holders for a friend so occupied with pyrography. Wedding anniversary !


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I understand the preference for single colour infil but I actually feel a stronger contrasting outer layer ( longer layer under the clip ) such as Holly or maybe Birch might make it look lighter?

Wonderful execution of a very challenging design by the way. I must get some GT kits to try out. Currently making T light holders for a friend so occupied with pyrography. Wedding anniversary !
The goncola alves, under the clip is light. I didn't take a photo of that side.
I also like the three ply. Nice and precise work. I might have reversed the three ply's with the white on the outside, but that's not to take away from the pen. It's very nice.
I also like the three ply. Nice and precise work. I might have reversed the three ply's with the white on the outside, but that's not to take away from the pen. It's very nice.
You might be right. It also might look good with red heart in the middle too instead of the darker wood.
I'm sitting here wondering how challenging it would be to do this with no interruption in the flow of the maple through the intersections while keeping the 3 ply infill. But, truthfully, I lack the skill and precision (and patience, too) to do anything like this. Some day. Some day...

Seriously, the precision is spot on. It has super clean cuts, solid joints, eye catching contrast, and a beautiful finish! The only thing I can be critical of is that my neck hurts from looking at my screen sideways. 🤣
OK, 5 ply is also nice. 😬 . But I do like the contrast. Maple/Black/Redheart/Black/Maple ???
LOL I'd have to cut vaneer about .008 thick, I'm not that good😩
I'm sitting here wondering how challenging it would be to do this with no interruption in the flow of the maple through the intersections while keeping the 3 ply infill. But, truthfully, I lack the skill and precision (and patience, too) to do anything like this. Some day. Some day...

Seriously, the precision is spot on. It has super clean cuts, solid joints, eye catching contrast, and a beautiful finish! The only thing I can be critical of is that my neck hurts from looking at my screen sideways. 🤣
i think it would be next to impossible. Now about the sideways photos, ever since the IAP app was abandoned, all my photos upload sideways. They look normal in the preview, but as soon as they upload, they rotate.
Now about the sideways photos, ever since the IAP app was abandoned, all my photos upload sideways. They look normal in the preview, but as soon as they upload, they rotate.
That is weird. You'd think the preview would be exactly what it will look like when posted. Oh well. I got nothin'. Still looks great!
The goncola alves, under the clip is light. I didn't take a photo of that side.
My bad typing again and proof reading in a hurry. I meant t9 say BRIGHTER as the contrast with the red would be greater and make the diamond lattice work and black edging stand out more.

Still think it's incredible work
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