This morning I spent a few minutes again looking at the PITH LeviBlue made for 76winger and the "disposable"
and keeper Dave made for Kevin. Looked like "Exchange of the Titans" to me! Anyway, there have been several people whose work has encouraged me to dabble in the world of aluminum pins and longitudinal segmenting. So yesterday I grabbed an African Blackwood blank, cut it to size for an ultra cigar, lined things up as carefully as I could, and drilled a couple 1/4" holes straight through the cap blank so I could insert some pieces of 1/4" aluminum rod. When I got done, I discovered that the two holes were not exactly in line with the axis of the blank. Does anybody have a trick for hitting exactly dead center? Guess the same would go for wanting to have parallel strips of aluminum equidistant from the center axis. TIA. Russ