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Originally posted by wood-of-1kind
<br />All good points Randy and worthy of consideration. How are current GROUP BUYS warranties currently being handled? I have no intention of paying anywhere close to $45 for a kit. A $5 saving on 'high end' kits is not what I'm after. Don't want to make any price commitments since it's too early in the game but my bracket is probably in the $10-15 range if doable......

With group buys from CSUSA, problems have been resolved by them. If there have been group buys from other vendors, I don't know how they were handled.

I just used the 45/50 thing as an example since that is the figure you mentioned in an earlier post. I suspected you were actually looking for a better deal. But if you would be satisfied with a $10-$15 savings on a $50 pen, maybe you are wasting your time?? CSUSA offers a 25% discount on orders of a hundred units which would be $12.50 on a $50 Emperor and I bet they would offer an even bigger discount on an order of a thousand.

Maybe we are not seeing the forest for the trees??
<br />
I have an idea, What about a selection of mix and match pens. A set of pens that use the same tubes, same refill, as many other parts that are the same, but being able to varry the finished look. Something similar to Jr Gents, and Statemen. Differnent levels of embelishments, maybe even easy conversion from pen to pencil. Then you could make the blanks and turn them, them be able to make a wide assortment of different looking kits from your turned blanks.

Single set of drill bits, single set of bushings, consolidating as many of the things we can to make our live easier.

I hope you can understand my rambling.
No, no, I'm not trying to save $10-15 on high end kits. I'm trying to have the final price in that range ($10-15).

Originally posted by broitblat
<br />
Something like the Churchill but with metal parts in place of the black pieces, a simple carved/cast inlay in place of the striped bands, and the finial on the lower barrel the same size as the barrel instead of looking like it ought to post. Just a thought.

Have you made a Churchill? It sounds like you are assuming the black parts are all plastic. The finial and posting cap, yes it does post, are metal. The only plastic piece is the CB and that's for a very good reason. When you screw on the cap, it stays, unlike the metal to metal threads that come unscrewed at all the wrong times.
Originally posted by wood-of-1kind
<br />No, no, I'm not trying to save $10-15 on high end kits. I'm trying to have the final price in that range ($10-15).

If you can come up with an Emperor-style kit for that price, I have no doubt that you will attract a lot of interest. That said I have to agree with Lou that just copying an existing kit is highly unethical even if not illegal. I don't doubt that you could find someone to do it; but that still doesn't make it right. Now, if you create a unique design, that is an entirely different matter.
Originally posted by dbriski
<br />I have an idea, What about a selection of mix and match pens. A set of pens that use the same tubes, same refill, as many other parts that are the same, but being able to varry the finished look. Something similar to Jr Gents, and Statemen. Differnent levels of embelishments, maybe even easy conversion from pen to pencil. Then you could make the blanks and turn them, them be able to make a wide assortment of different looking kits from your turned blanks.

Single set of drill bits, single set of bushings, consolidating as many of the things we can to make our live easier.

I hope you can understand my rambling.

That is a great idea! Centerbands, clips... with quality platings, heck - even chrome. Something that will hold up to wear. Isn't this one of the reasons that slimlines (not that I am promoting a slimline) are so popuplar, the endless opportunities for customization?

We'll see Mike!

Let's try this:

I have a selection of BEAUTIFUL slimline kits that are plated in PURE 24 kt gold that I will, reluctantly, part with at only

<b><center>$10 per kit,</center></b>

in quantities of 10 or more.

Let's see how many people don't care what they cost???
Just sent me an e-mail!!!!!

(Yes, this is a joke, NO, I am not really going to try to gouge anyone here - hope you get my point, tho' - the kits are "worth" what the traffic will bear. I have paid $7, down to $1.34 for slimline kits - altho that is over a decade time span!!)
If the kit cost $15.00, I would not think of it as a high end kit. But a quality pen kit at a reasonable price. Now, some will use this kit and make $100.00 pen out of it. While others will put a piece of maple on it and sell it for $18.00 on ebay.

If it happens to be a duplicate of a current kit I am paying $50.00 for, well that is free enterprise, I would have no quams buying it from Peter, and not feel a bit guilty.
No one seem to slam the other companies that currently copy and steal each other designs. The Ligero was a duplicate El Grande with some changes for the better. Also the Baron sure looks like a Jr Gent with some minor changes. So everybody is doing it. Is it right or wrong? I don't see my kits come through with a patent on them.

Go luck Peter, If you build a better cheaper mouse trap, I'll bite [:)]
What happens if the pen is a close enough knockoff that the original design owner goes to the Feds and you have the Feds knocking on your door? The sale of a 500 pens at $100 a piece might buy you an attorney to keep you out of a long term "Club Fed Resort".
Chris' idea of a mix and match parts offering would be an inventory nightmare for the seller. And it would drive prices up. That is because some parts will not sell well and the vendor must charge extra to cover losses on those. And buyers are fickle. Lets say centerband style 'A' sells out quickly. Vendor orders 10,000 more. Then for the unknown reasons that drive businessmen crazy, style 'A' stops selling well and style 'B' becomes the hot item. Then there are 9,999 'A' bands collecting dust that vendor had to pay for. This is what puts people out of business when they seem to be doing well. This comes from experience. I'm thinking of a 'friend' who had a clothing store in the 1970's. For outerwear the 'wet' and 'fake fur' looks were very popular. He restocked, popularity vanished. Bank was not interested in excuses. [:(]

Clothes cost tens of dollars per unit, centerbands SHOULD cost tenths of a cent per unit. You can make a much larger inventory error on centerbands, without GOING to the bank, much less having to EXPLAIN to the banker (who knows EVERYTHING about YOUR business and twice as much about MINE, altho he has never been IN either business!!! Don't get me started on bankers!!!)

Back on topic - 1000 centerbands COULD be $100 - most of us COULD stand that loss.
Oh, by the way Frank - the same thing happened with fax machines years ago - street price plummeted below my cost of inventory on hand - -that's the reason I have NOT handled them, since.
So, I DO sympathize with your "Friend".
Originally posted by Hasenak
<br />What happens if the pen is a close enough knockoff that the original design owner goes to the Feds and you have the Feds knocking on your door? The sale of a 500 pens at $100 a piece might buy you an attorney to keep you out of a long term "Club Fed Resort".

I'm already in the Federal Protection Program.[:eek:)] Them 'feds' are stealing my tax money like crazy. Heck Club Fed may work out for me if they throw in a lathe for being in their program.[;)]

NO fear that Feds will come knocking. This 'obsession' will never allow me to grow big$$$$enough to get 'their' interest.

Originally posted by wood-of-1kind
<br />
Originally posted by Hasenak
<br />What happens if the pen is a close enough knockoff that the original design owner goes to the Feds and you have the Feds knocking on your door? The sale of a 500 pens at $100 a piece might buy you an attorney to keep you out of a long term "Club Fed Resort".

I'm already in the Federal Protection Program.[:eek:)] Them 'feds' are stealing my tax money like crazy. Heck Club Fed may work out for me if they throw in a lathe for being in their program.[;)]

NO fear that Feds will come knocking. This 'obsession' will never allow me to grow big$$$$enough to get 'their' interest.


Unlikely a close knock-off would become a Fedral case. Maybe a civil suit. But both are unlikely as it would be hard to prove and who would they go after? The vendor or the manufacturer?
When they go after street vendors on purses, CDs etc, the Feds do it for the publicity. How many of you can afford the publicity and a Federal record on your "rap" sheet?

Now the vendor, he/she could stand to loose a lot of inventory to be crushed and mangled into trash and land up in a landfill.
Originally posted by gerryr
<br />
Originally posted by broitblat
<br />
Something like the Churchill but with metal parts in place of the black pieces, a simple carved/cast inlay in place of the striped bands, and the finial on the lower barrel the same size as the barrel instead of looking like it ought to post. Just a thought.

Have you made a Churchill? It sounds like you are assuming the black parts are all plastic. The finial and posting cap, yes it does post, are metal. The only plastic piece is the CB and that's for a very good reason. When you screw on the cap, it stays, unlike the metal to metal threads that come unscrewed at all the wrong times.

Sorry, I guess I should have more clear. I made made quite a few Churchills, and, although I know the black parts are metal, what I meant was I think they look cheap and would like to see these parts with a metallic plating. On the other hand, although I've seen that the cap will post, I don't think it posts very securely, so I've never really considered that a strong feature of this pen. I actually like the Churchill, but...
Here is an example of what I think the pen should look somewhat like. (although it is just my opinion) Look at letter E

the pic is from and since not everyone wants to travel to Canada to pick up pen kits, I thought this just might do
Originally posted by Stretch
<br />Here is an example of what I think the pen should look somewhat like. (although it is just my opinion) Look at letter E....the pic is from and since not everyone wants to travel to Canada to pick up pen kits, I thought this just might do

Try this:
I just did a little mathematical thinking and realized that those of you who use the "3X" or "anyX" method of pricing should be vehemently opposed to this project!!

Let's suppose for a moment that Peter is able to get an exact copy of an Emperor kit and the price is $25.....a very nice savings. And let's assume you use an appropriately nice blank that costs $5. With your material costs being $30, the final selling price would be $90. On the other hand, had you bought the original Emperor kit for $50, you would have been able to charge $165. (50+5=55 x 3=$165) Bottom line is that for an identical amount of work, you save $25 on the cost of the kit; but you loose $75 on the selling price for a net loss of $50. Extending this thinking, buying the discounted kit at an even greater savings would increase your loss.

It seems to me that everyone who uses the "X" method of pricing should be encouraging Peter to find a manufacturer who will charge "MORE" to make these kits. Think how much more money you could make if actually paid more for these kits.[^][^]
Originally posted by Randy_
<br />It seems to me that everyone who uses the "X" method of pricing should be encouraging Peter to find a manufacturer who will charge "MORE" to make these kits. Think how much more money you could make if actually paid more for these kits.[^][^]

As always Randy, your logic is flawless.[:eek:)] So how may pen kits do I have a commitment from you[?][:D] I'm kidding, OK?

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