Acceptable Use Policy

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
The following policy governs acceptable use of the IAP web site at

The policy applies to all member-provided content at including message postings, signature blocks, member profile content, photo titles and descriptions, photographic content, resources, and conversation messages. Forum-specific rules may be posted in some forums. These will appear as sticky posts at the top of the forum topics window. New users especially should read that information before posting.

There is nothing in this policy that should in any way affect normal, polite, respectful interactions between members. Violations of this policy may result in a warning, or a temporary or permanent ban. Decisions and actions relative to violations of this policy are at the discretion of the moderators and administrator.

Each individual may have only one user account. When discovered, all multiple accounts belonging to a single person or entity may be banned or merged into a single account.

Advertisements to buy, sell, or swap belong in the IAP Marketplace. Ads found elsewhere may be deleted or moved. Shill posts, spam, or sneaky marketing practices will get you ejected. You must have your real name and location in your user profile to start a thread in the Marketplace.

Do not attempt to deceive others. Defrauding others in transactions, attempting to obtain money or goods under false pretenses, attempting to obtain information through phishing, or other unfair, misleading, or deceptive practices will result in a permanent ban and potentially a referral to law enforcement.

Respect the privacy of others. Do not post individual's phone numbers, addresses, photographs, or other personally identifiable information without their permission.

Use descriptive topic subjects. This helps others use the search function to find what they're looking for.

No trolling. Don't make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people.

No personal attacks. Criticize ideas, not people. Flaming will not be tolerated. Broad, negative statements about individuals or businesses may be deleted.

Do not post or send spam or junk messages. Posting or use of the conversation system to send spam or junk messages will get you banned.

Do not attempt to bypass our security systems or otherwise hack our server.

Submit only appropriate content.
Material that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or which infringes upon the intellectual property, contractual, or financial rights of others is not permitted.

No pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or objectifying material is permitted. This includes suggestive images, graphics, comments, postings, messages, and links to same.

Discussions of politics and religion are not allowed.

In most forums, a 24 hour edit window is available.
Edit posts and thread titles only to correct spelling, grammar, or punctuation, or to update information in group buy or for sale threads. If you want to clarify your original posting or add additional content, or you feel the need to retract statements you made in the original post, make a followup post. If you need to edit a post outside the edit time limit, report the post and a moderator will help you.

Shill Marketing is Forbidden. Someone who works for or is compensated by a vendor but does not disclose that fact in order to seem like a reliable source of information or unbiased recommendation is a shill. Shill marketing is the practice of using a shill to convince potential customers that a product is worth buying. Vendors or members engaged in shill marketing will be permanently ejected from the forum. If you are compensated by a vendor in exchange for your endorsement of a product you must disclose that fact when you post information about products offered by that vendor.
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